Published Nov 23, 2009
7 Posts
I am starting Nurse Practitioner School in January at Western Kentucky University. I currently have a BSN and have been nursing for 8 months. I am intersted in pursuing the field of Dermatology or Plastic Surgery as an FNP in South Florida (St. Petersburg, Miami, or Ft. Lauderdale). I was hoping to get advice from a few of you from any of these places can give me advice to how the market is in South Florida in these fields. I reside near Nashville and am wondering how the market there is different from here. All advice welcomed. Thanks!
200 Posts
I live in South FL and used to do the med spa thing as an RN. Even now as an NP I am unable to get a job in the industry due to lack of NP experience. The economy is horrible down here.
Once you become an NP you will view this type of work differently, I know I did. I now view it as something I'd do for fun, to make a few extra dollars and get discounted Botox. I'd never do it full time because it is not NP level work, it's really RN level work. I feel I didn't go to school to not use my new NP skills and that is exactly what that job entails. A NP friend who graduated before me did get a job working at one for a few months til she got an "NP level" job, her words "I'm losing all my skills doing this!" They were paying her $38/hr.
Perhaps by the time you graduate the economy will be back and pay will be better, jobs will be plentiful. I would not recommend this as a full time NP job, unless your burnt out, need a break, semi retired or something. You don't dx, rx, it's just selling and performing procedures.
Thanks so much! I work in an Emergency Department with low socioeconomic level patients in a 120 bed hospital in Tennessee. I am really starting to get burned out because so many of the patients I see are trying to take advantage of the medical system by seeking pain medication because they are addicts or seeking medical care in the ED because they do not have a PCP. We make referrals to PCPs in the area but time and time again we often end up seeing the same patients. I really want a better schedule and thought that by going to NP school I would be able to make myself more marketable to better positions. I am only looking from the outside at NP jobs and wanted to get some advice before I decide for sure. I visited Miami last month and absolutely loved it, however, I do not feel that is where I would want to live. I appreciate all advice you have to give. Do you know approximately how much an NP would make an hour and what types of jobs would be most profitable for an NP in the South Florida area? Again, thanks so much!
128 Posts
Im living in Miami and work at a local hospital. No hospitals in Miami hired new graduate RNs this last year. There is a current freeze at JAckson (the largest medical center in south florida). Most of my classmates had to leave the area or just ask parents to send money cause NOONE would hire. They only hired folks who already had their foot in the door through scholarships or were CNAs. South Florida has been devastated by this economy. There is just nothing cooking down here right now. I would not want to come here looking for work as a new grad NP or new grad RN. I would get your experience where ever you can than attempt to come here. I also would never just move down here without a firm job offer. I do believe we are the worst affected large metro area in the country.
With that being said, I too am gonna start NP school this year. I dont even think for a second ill be able to stay here as a new grad NP. I really wouldnt even want to either. This state is VERY low paying for NPs and NPs are severly restricted in how they can practice in comparison with many other states. Check out the pearson report if you dont believe it. I would be willing to go to many parts of the country when I graduate to seek the position I want at the pay I want. Then after doing a couple years I might try to get picker about location but would never ever recomend florida or south florida.
1,116 Posts
I'm pretty sure you can't specialize in "plastic surgery" as an NP. Most NP schools do not have any type or surgical rotation or specialization. Slicing off a few moles and putting in a few sutures is as far as you are likely to get on that end...and I think that is as it should be. If you want to do plastic surgery you should seriously consider med school.
Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it.
I hear that NPs who work in ERs get hourly pay of $65, then on top of that you could work over time and really be brining in the big bucks. Since you have all that RN ER experience that may help you get into a fast track job. As the other poster above said, don't move here without a signed contract job. Others have posted that hospitals did sign contracts with them, they moved, quit other jobs and get down here only to find out the hospital census was low and their start date was pushed back, again and again. It's not a good area. I'd try TX or PA. My cousin in PA gets new jobs like she changes underwear, and she's less than a year out of school.
Thanks so much! I'm open for any and all ideas.
11 Posts
I'll chime in from the Gulf coast of south FL... The job market here is pretty sad, both for RN's and ARNP's. There are more PRN positions posted than regular ones because they don't have benefits attached and are obviously the first ones cancelled when census is low, and they all pretty much want experience. Regular staff is cancelled left and right because of low census (which only contributes to this particular area's infamous reputation as foreclosure capital of the nation).
I hope to be starting back to school in February to become a WHNP. I figure chances of remaining here and finding suitable employment when I finish are slim to none, but life is an adventure and I'm ready for the next chapter!