sorry, crabby old nurse vent.


I just finished a busy shift. I love my co-workers, love my job, but, to hear and see my co-workers socializing, showing pictures of kids, dogs, Internet jokes, on their phones, talking about their kids, summer plans, etc., etc., I asked a patient related question of some co-workers and was ignored, so had to "jokingly" say more loudly "Excuse me I'm trying to do nursing care!" ha ha, my wonderful, I love her, co-worker joked back "I was telling her about a good recipe I found." honestly in a joking way, we all laughed and they answered my question.

It continues all shift. At the end of my shift I still have a scattering of charts I have to finish up, find piles of call back papers we have to finish before we go home, and the same, the nice, I love em co-workers again are socializing! (They haven't finished their charts either.)

Honestly I am friendly but haven't really made "friend" here. Honestly I am a little jealous hearing them share their lives with each other, plans "I'll call you tomorrow," etc. But on a slow day this really wouldn't bother me, I would join in. (Actually on a slow day I'd rather get my work done and pray, hope, I could go home early.) But can't they put getting their work done and patient care done ahead of lets sit and socialize!!!

I tend to worry about myself and my tasks during my shift. I cannot be held responsible for what others do or don't do during their time. If I have a question I have no problem asking anyone, even if it's the house supervisor. I also am not really friends with my co-workers outside of work. I tend to keep the two separate. That's just me, though. I don't swear the small stuff.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

don't look to your job for socialization. work is work.

if you haven't been accepted by the others, maybe the reason has something to do with how you come across. maybe there's a nurse you feel comfortable with who you can approach about this if it really bothers you. if you do this, you have to be the kind of person who can handle some negative feedback. they may not even be intentionally excluding you. if you come off as aloof, they may just figure you don't want to be part of the group.

as for how much work they have left to do, i always figure it's my job to mind my business about my work and not worry about others' responsibilities.

Specializes in LTC, medsurg.
It continues all shift. At the end of my shift I still have a scattering of charts I have to finish up, find piles of call back papers we have to finish before we go home, and the same, the nice, I love em co-workers again are socializing! (They haven't finished their charts either.)!
Are the scattered charts and call back papers every ones responsibility? Or Are you the one stuck making sure all the work gets done because they're socializing?
Specializes in ICU.

What drives me crazy isn't the "socializing" with each other~ it's the darn cell phones! If I need to speak with a co-worker, they are almost always yakking on their cell phone, or playing a game on one. I can't speak with some of them without their phone either ringing or "buzzing" thru-out the entire conversation. Or they are constantly texting; punch, punch, punch! I leave my home life "at home" and don't even bring my cell into the hospital. I wish management would do something about this, but unfortunately, they are also part of the problem, and yak on their's all day, too. (I must add, it isn't just the co-workers who do this; when I go into a patient's room, they won't even get off the phone long enough for me to see them! Or they will answer their phone while I am standing there assessing them and keep right on yakking.)

Specializes in Emergency.

AHHHH...i phones...the pacifier of the masses. As far as I can see these people that are always...I say ALWAYS on there phones might as well have a pacifier in there mouth...same idea. Or..they can lay in a crib looking up at the mobile! Just like a crow attracted to a shiny object or a bug to a zapper! When will institutions truly ban these annoyances from our mist? Shoot I am taking a class and the teacher has "banned" them yet continues to use his "secretly". I still cannot believe that anything is so important that you have to check it every minute. Oh yeah...There is not! What gives??? It really is just another way that corporate america has been able to divide and conquer the masses. No real human interaction equals less people knowing what is going on equals they can do whatever they want. When you are on your shiny new toy you don't have time to think about people suffering or the immoral wars in the middle east or to even talk to somebody sitting at your table! I agree with you it is horrifying...I have been working with CNA's that actually get on that phone during pericare????? Sad but true.

Specializes in Emergency.
don't look to your job for socialization. work is work.

if you haven't been accepted by the others, maybe the reason has something to do with how you come across. maybe there's a nurse you feel comfortable with who you can approach about this if it really bothers you. if you do this, you have to be the kind of person who can handle some negative feedback. they may not even be intentionally excluding you. if you come off as aloof, they may just figure you don't want to be part of the group.

as for how much work they have left to do, i always figure it's my job to mind my business about my work and not worry about others' responsibilities.

overall nice einstein said..."do your job and keep your mouth shut"

unfortunately most places are filled with these idiots and they do intrude into people's space. so what do we do???

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
overall nice einstein said..."do your job and keep your mouth shut"

unfortunately most places are filled with these idiots and they do intrude into people's space. so what do we do???

​keep your head down and just do your work. stay as far away from the nurses' station as possible. they can't pin you down with baby pictures if you're in a patient's room.

All your replies have some kernels of wisdom, thanks.

It is a clinic setting, part of the problem is I believe so much in team work. All my co-workers do also, but when I keep up with my patients and charting, get my job done, get my patients home, then I have time to help co-workers if they are busy or behind. Yet when they socialize during their shift they obviously aren't always caught up with their own patients and charting and less time to (for example) help me if I was behind or do call backs, stock, tidy up the unit, etc.

Again it was just a busy day and a lot of it was just venting. But thanks for listening.

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