Published Mar 28, 2020
Coffeelover, BSN
14 Posts
I need some advice. I have been a bedside nurse for 5 years. I am burned out and looking for non bedside jobs. What bothers me the most is that when I first became a nurse, I enjoyed using my clinical skills. Wound care, catheters, IV starts. Over the past few years, I have reached burnout and I do not want to touch bodily fluids anymore. I'm so tired of cleaning up poop and wounds. I have just changed so much. I'm tired of worrying about exposures. I'm sad because it makes me realize maybe I need to try a different career path? I love everything else about nursing and healthcare.. just not heavy lifting and hands on care. I have an ADN. Please help ?
3,413 Posts
Just start looking and applying. There are 1000's of different areas of nursing. Different clinics, out patient surgery, GI clinics. Peds and NICU, well.....there is but wiping but it's cute little babies or toddlers.
Nurse Trini
80 Posts
Yeah, I moved out of long-term care, not so much about the bodily fluids, but that it was so depressing with all the end-of-life stuff. I cried every time I lost a patient.I switched to a job in a high school and I'm much happy (though I thought my foley days would have been gone when I left LTC, but it's only a small part of my job here).
Of course, schools are closed now so I'm pretty much idle.