Published Jul 12, 2014
1 Post
I've always wanted to be a nurse, but recently I have decided I would like to attend a CSU instead of CC. I will be graduating high school with a 3.5 GPA along with leadership and tons of volunteer work, I would like to attend California State University, Chico, CSU San Francisco, or CSU Monterey Bay. I've heard all CSU nursing schools are hard to get into, what do you guys think my chances are and where should I apply? I'm also going to be a volunteer nurse this year at John Muir Hospital.
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,380 Posts
This is a common question on AN. What is "hard" to you? It is something posters cannot quantify because we have no idea what "hard" is to you. You get grades and you apply. If you get in you get in if you do not you do not. Are you asking for the percentage chance of getting in? You need to talk with the school. Often you can get the percentage of first time applications that are accepted. Then you decide what you want to do.
rob4546, BSN, MSN
1,023 Posts
Talk to the admissions advisors for the nursing programs and find out how they run the admission process. Once you have this information, use it position yourself as best as possible. You may not get in on the first try, but take classes that would transfer into the program until you finally get accepted.
43 Posts
All nursing schools cc or universities are hard to get into. It took me almost 2 years to get in. My advice would be just get the best grades you can, try to get only A's and B's and kick butt on whatever entrance exam they need you to take. My school looked at overall gpa, science gpa, TEAS V score, CNA licsense, degree, ect... The more you have what they want the better.Every school is different though. So google each school you want to go to, and look at their nursing section and read what they want their applicants to have. Good luck. Your still very young so you have plenty of time to go to nursing school. I'm 33 and I'm barely starting my program this August.