SO NERVOUS! finally starting school again!..this time w/ a 2 yr old

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


so starting from the bottom with math 75 since its been so long...(im 26 yrs old),

english 118:/ and a pre-req in nurtrition 160.I I never been so nervous:uhoh3: and excited to start school before. anybody in the same boat as me:yeah:

I hear you! I started last Spring and have about another year to go. I have a 5yr old and 2yr old so I know what you are feeling. It won't always be easy but as long as you put effort into it you can definitley do it! Always remember why you are doing it and that will help to keep you motivated. :)

Classes start for me on the 16th. I'm carrying 14 units :uhoh3:

A&P 2, English 121, Math 100 [it's the second from the bottom, so I'm in the same boat as the OP], and Psych 101

I am also super nervous/excited/anxious to get started. I have a little girl that's 1 and I'm determined to make it for her!

You guys will all do great! Lots of luck to y'all this semester!

I don't have kids but I'm starting my pre reqs on the 17th math English and nutrition. I'm extremely nervous and excited. I'm only worried about math though. Good luck to you!

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

I'm wishing you all the best. I was where you all are taking my prereqs. Hang in there. I don't have any kids but I had plenty of parents in my prereqs and more in my nursing program. They said they couldn't have done it without a strong support system. Don't worry about age. In nursing, an older age can work in your favor in the perceptions of your patients. But most importantly, nursing doesn't age discriminate.

Don't be anxious! You have more reasons to succeed than you ever did before! I'm sure that you will do well, good luck.

I know exactly how you all are feeling. I decided to go back to school Jan. 2011, and here it is now Jan. 2012! I have two small children, 5 and 2, and I work two jobs. I work with the school during the week because they work around my school schedule, and I work on the weekends at a gas station. It is very stressful. I think about getting into the program EVERYDAY, and I mean literally, EVERYDAY! (I just applied), I have to say I was nervous too, but hey, a 3.85 GPA isnt too bad! :) Oh, and I'm 25 by the way... WE ALL can do it!!!

I hear you! I started last Spring and have about another year to go. I have a 5yr old and 2yr old so I know what you are feeling. It won't always be easy but as long as you put effort into it you can definitley do it! Always remember why you are doing it and that will help to keep you motivated. :)

omg only one more year! how many classes you taking at a time?! im so scared its going to take 8 years since im only taking 3 classes at a time:( good for you!

Classes start for me on the 16th. I'm carrying 14 units :uhoh3:

A&P 2, English 121, Math 100 [it's the second from the bottom, so I'm in the same boat as the OP], and Psych 101

I am also super nervous/excited/anxious to get started. I have a little girl that's 1 and I'm determined to make it for her!

You guys will all do great! Lots of luck to y'all this semester!

nice! 14 units! i have 11 units and sooo nevous i just want A's so i hope 3 classes isnt to much
I know exactly how you all are feeling. I decided to go back to school Jan. 2011, and here it is now Jan. 2012! I have two small children, 5 and 2, and I work two jobs. I work with the school during the week because they work around my school schedule, and I work on the weekends at a gas station. It is very stressful. I think about getting into the program EVERYDAY, and I mean literally, EVERYDAY! (I just applied), I have to say I was nervous too, but hey, a 3.85 GPA isnt too bad! :) Oh, and I'm 25 by the way... WE ALL can do it!!!
wow! canssandra good for you! it will all pay off in the end!!

such an inspirational comment, thanks, I'm 25 and will be taking my pre-requirements for bio's in six months, I'm excited and have a 3.82 GPA right now, I'm hoping to keep up the GPA after I'm finished with my bio's =D best of luck in getting in for you!

I meant with my pre-reqs. Sorry for the confusion. But yes, about another year depending on different requirements for different schools. Some schools require different courses besides the science, so if I dont get in with my first application I will continue to work on other requirements for other schools. The good thing is that once you are in, you have pretty much set date on graduation since the courses have to go in specific order.

I am excited for all of us who are on this new journey in our lives! I am 23 and dont want to live with regret for the rest of my life if I dont just get it done. We are completely capable of achieving our dreams despite our age or how long it takes!

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