So many questions

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


so many questions to find the answers to!

i just recently applied to a lpn program, i sent in my application and my essay , took my work keys test and passed now im waiting for the interview.

i am a 40 year old who after raising her children am wanting to fulfill my life long dream...

when i went to high school i wasnt sure about what i wanted to do so my transcripts state i only have a 1.9 gpa when i questioned this they told me it was because i only went to a few classes my senior year because i was tutored alot and not all the grades were turned it. do you think that will hinder me getting accepted?

also does anyone know of any questions that might be asked in the interview and what type of questions arent out of boundries to ask the school?


Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

When I had my interview with the DON of the school, she asked:

1. Why do you want to be a nurse?

2. Who will support you during your schooling?

3. Do you plan to work while attending school?

4. How do you plan to pay for this?

5. If you had a problem with a classmate, how would you handle it?

Specializes in Brain injury,vent,peds ,geriatrics,home.

Tarnished angel66.Why are they asking about your high school transcripts all these years later anyways?Any and many things have changed all these years later.How did you do on your entrance exam?Im sure youll do fine.Just relax and answer the questions as they come to you.Good luck to you!!

I graduated from high school in 1991... I honestly cannot believe that I even made it. I think my GPA was something like a 1.75 or something like that? It was terrible. I used to be thrilled if I got a C-....or even a D! I was more interested in hitting the beach with my friends then. College was not an interest of mine back then. Needless to say, if ANY of the schools went with my GPA from high school, I would kiss my nursing dream good bye!

In every school I've spoken with, they don't even take that into consideration if it was that long ago. As long as you have a good college track record, then you are A-OK!

Good Luck!!

Oh, and I went to an interview a few weeks ago and they asked me:

What do I do now? ( I am a stay at home mom)

What did I do before I stopped working to become a stay at home mom.

Do I plan on working while in nursing school?

Why do I want to be a nurse.

Why am I choosing their school.

Thanks everyone for your answers!!

I should have my interview in April they said so i have awhile to think things through! I guess i was stressing over my GPA because they asked for my transcripts, My feelings on this way life experiences sometimes outweight a gpa

Thanks again!

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