Hi guys,
So basically, I start NS on August 25th (about a week and a half from today! ) and I'm feeling so many emotions right now! I guess it didn't hit me until recently because I just got my schedule and on Tuesday we have orientation and I'll be getting all my books, my scrubs, my nametag, etc.. It's crazy to think back on how far I've come. A year ago I was struggling to get my prereqs done, in April I got my acceptance letter, and already I'm starting in less than 2 weeks. Does time ever fly! And that's just the start... imagine looking back on 2 years from now! Anyway, I feel nervous, anxious, scared, happy, but above all I'm insanely excited and absolutely feel ready. So, how about you guys? I know there are a lot of people who start tomorrow, so I'm curious to know the emotions running through those people right now. I also expect to be reading a few stories on the "first day of nursing school unleashed" thread.