So many mixed feelings... how about you?


Hi guys,

So basically, I start NS on August 25th (about a week and a half from today! :uhoh3:) and I'm feeling so many emotions right now! I guess it didn't hit me until recently because I just got my schedule and on Tuesday we have orientation and I'll be getting all my books, my scrubs, my nametag, etc.. It's crazy to think back on how far I've come. A year ago I was struggling to get my prereqs done, in April I got my acceptance letter, and already I'm starting in less than 2 weeks. Does time ever fly! And that's just the start... imagine looking back on 2 years from now! Anyway, I feel nervous, anxious, scared, happy, but above all I'm insanely excited and absolutely feel ready. So, how about you guys? I know there are a lot of people who start tomorrow, so I'm curious to know the emotions running through those people right now. I also expect to be reading a few stories on the "first day of nursing school unleashed" thread.


Specializes in Geriatrics.

I start school on the 30th. My kids start back on the 23rd so that will give a week to finish up last min details. I am so nervous and terrified all at the same time lol. Im excited too, but so nervous. Its like Im a kid about to enter High School for the first time. LOL I keep telling myself just breath every nurse out there has done this and pretty much all the girls in my class (26people) are just as nervous. I keep going over all the things I need for class because i keep feeling like im forgetting something. I have already had several dreams that i walk into class on the first day and dont have any of the books i need my pen doesnt work and my cell phone wont turn off and people keep

Specializes in Community Health.

The time absolutely flies...It seems like just yesterday I was having those same butterflies in my stomach, and now I'm 2 weeks shy of graduation. It's natural to be nervous-and you will be in good company. Every single one of your classmates will be nervous too, some are just better at hiding it than others!

Good luck to everyone-and BREATHE! You will be fine!

Specializes in My goal is to be an Oncology Nurse.....

I start the 23 and I'm a mixed bag of emotions!!! I have had previous medical experience as a Breast Cancer patient in 2006 (age29) and ever since then, I find myself helping and wanting to be with Oncology patients. So coming from the patient side of things and getting first rate care, I want to give back what I was given.

If I can successfully beat Cancer, I can get through Nursing school!!

Good Luck!!

Having a positive attitude is half the battle.

"Believe and Achieve.". :)

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