So I just realized that I have a list of misdemeanor offenses.....


I am a sophomore nursing student and I just realized a list of what I thought were minor traffic violations (tickets less than 200$) are actually considered misdemeanor crimes. This includes driving without insurance, driving without a license (both on the same day three years ago) and a failure to appear to pay a fine for unlicensed dog. This was during a time when I was struggling financially severely and trying to make it to work. I also have a ticket for underage drinking from 5 or 6 years ago, that could be a criminal or civil offense.

So now, of course I am panicking! A list of four crimes is not going to go over well on an application for licensure or a job. Should I contact my school? the state board of nursing? the justice department? It was foolish of me to not take these offenses seriously, but I just thought I needed a trial to be convicted of a crime

I don't know what state you're from, but from what I can tell you from experience of what I am going through now- Just be honest when you apply for your state license. I graduated from nursing school with my Bachelors in October '14, passed NCLEX (IL) on December 9th and sent in my license application about one week later. It took them about three weeks to cash my payment and from there I was checking the IDFPR website daily in hopes of seeing my license number. While the license number is being processed you are allowed to practice under another nurse; so I of course have applied for SEVERAL nursing positions "license pending." Well, yesterday I received a letter that says in bold letters *PROHIBITED FROM PRACTICING* until I submit certified and stamped court documents from five misdemeanors that were found on my record. Four of them were all from one incident and two of them were actually dropped so I don't know why they even popped up. The first was for defacement of public property which I was stupid and scratched the paint in the police station cell wall and the other my jerk ex b/f hid cannabis in my car and I took the blame for it because he wouldn't fess up. The last one was a stupid teen years decision of retail theft (oh, the things that come back to haunt you). I was never on probation or anything like that; I did however have court supervision and had to do community service hours. I never got in trouble after that and this happened close to 13 years ago.

I was DEVISTATED when I got this letter because I have two interviews this week for my DREAM job and now I don't know what to do because I'm not sure how long it will take for these papers to process.

What I'm trying to get at is, don't worry about your misdemeanors. There should be NO reason why you wouldn't be able to get your nursing license. What I do suggest you do though, so there is no delay in getting your license once you pass NCLEX is get the court documents from each offence (make sure they're stamped and certified) you can do this at the courthouse in the county in which the misdemeanor occurred. Along with that, the BON will want a detailed statement describing each incident. I know it's tedious, but it's what they want. This way, there will be no delay...

Good Luck! I hope this helped.

First of all, all misdemeanors must be taken seriously. Just report them without drama just the facts. Do NOT blame others or other considerations. Just state the facts. Don't be concerned about any underage offenses, the BON won't . Best of luck!

Please do not tell applicants not to worry about misdemeanors. Isn't that what tripped you up? It does for many.

Specializes in Public Health.

Are any of your offenses on the list of prohibited offenses that your BON made? If not, report them to the board and be prepared to explain yourself.

Yes be honest and up front and provide all the documents needed!

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