So discouraged


Hi graduated in August and passed NCLEX in September with my ADN. Put in lots of apps and had 3 interviews - 1 said since I'm a new grad they would start me at LPN rate - what???? One was at a doctors office which was only going to pay low teens! I had an interview at the hospital I want and no luck! Been applying to hospitals all around and nothing! I don't know what to do! I'm a mother of 4 and my loans will be coming due. I start my BSN program in January so maybe that will help! Any advice? Should I call the hospitals and ask about my apps?

Specializes in public health.

I graduated in May with a BSN and it took me six months to find a job. There are jobs but it takes a while to get. Work on your resume and networking.

sourapril, did you do anything before you found a job? I am worried since I graduated in May

and have nothing to put on the resume after my graduation.

Are you working at the hospital now?

Specializes in Psychiatric/ Mental Health.

Consider applying for prn positions also you guys. You get experience and some cash in your pocket. Don't limit yourselves

Consider applying for prn positions also you guys. You get experience and some cash in your pocket. Don't limit yourselves

Hospitals around here don't consider new grads for PRN work. They must have one year of experience. A PRN person needs to be able to step in on short notice, they aren't given the long orientation that a new grad would need.

Hey I am also going through the same process. Consider connecting with more people. You may be surprised as who knows who. Recently my friend, a new grad, was able to get a job on a tele unit because he met someone who was best friends with the manager of the unit. Keep your head up.

Specializes in public health.

I started working in a flu clinic about 3 months after I graduated. After the flu season was over, I got a job at my local health department. I never wanted to work in a hospital.

sourapril, did you do anything before you found a job? I am worried since I graduated in May

and have nothing to put on the resume after my graduation.

Are you working at the hospital now?

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

Cast your net wide...doctors office, occupational health, public health, sub-acute/Rehab/LTC/LTCAH, surgicenters, etc Nursing occurs never know what your experience will lead to. :yes:

Remember that while you are in school, you don't have to payback your loans; you automatically have an in school deferment.

After school, you can always adjust for income-based repayment plans as well.

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