I am so fed up with small town politics right now, I'm ready to scream.
Several years ago, my family and I moved to a small community (population is apprx. 50,000). Unfortunately, the majority of the people in this community where either born here, or have lived here long enough to be a part of it all. I just recently graduated from our local college's nursing program and am now trying to get a job. So far, I've applied at the hospital and the local medical center and have been turned down by both (they claim it's a lack of experience, but several of my classmates have gotten positions there with no experience either). From what I've seen and been told, it's more a matter of WHO you know rather than WHAT you know.
For example, at the medical center I recently applied at, the human resource director asked me during my interview who I knew that worked there. Well, I knew several of my classmates who had gotten hired there and mentioned them. Come to find out, one of the woman I went to school with and works there is good friends with the director of human resources (from his own words!). Then, at the end of the interview, he said he would talk with these people and see what they have to say about me. Now, I was unfortunate to have one of those classes that had a lot of cliques, none of which I really fit in with. Everyone in my class either grew up around here or knew everyone else before we started the program (with the exception of a few others like me who were also treated as outcasts).
The job interview went very well and was told that the supervisor hiring for the dept I wanted to go into was out of town at the moment and wouldn't be back till today. I was told to basically wait until she got back, yet received a rejection letter last Friday :angryfire . So now I'm left wondering what the heck was said about me.
Worst of all is that there is bad blood between me and the director of the nursing program at the college because of an incident that happened over a grade (trust me, it's a loooooong story, pm me if you want to hear it). My husband and I can't help but wonder if this doesn't have something to do with all of this.
I'm angry because I went through three years of school, put myself in debt with student loans, and am now having a hard time getting a job. I have my RN license but it doesn't seem to be doing me any good. I don't want to have to move but if that's what it's going to take to get a job I guess we'll have to.
Anybody else ever experience this? Any suggestions on what to do? Thanks for letting me rant.