SLU vs. BJC Accelerated BSN Program


I just got accepted to BJC and SLU for their accelerated BSN programs. I am leaning more towards SLU simply from what I've heard from other people. Does anyone have any advice about either program? Does graduating from one or the other give you a step up in terms of finding a job later on?


I know this is a little long after your post, but I thought I would chime in just in case you hadn't made a decision yet...

I graduated in May '10 from BJC's accelerated program and I would recommend going there since it's cheaper than SLU. I got a job not long after graduation, and everyone else I know also got a job in time. I work with some people who went through SLU's program and I don't think they had any more doors opened for them because they went to SLU. I also feel like I got an equal education, and it was significantly less money. Both programs are not cheap, so why spend thousands more?

Anyway just my two cents. Hope this helps a little if you haven't made up your mind yet!

Hi Katie!

Thats so exciting for you :) I am in the same boat as you. I decided to go to SLU for their accelerated nursing program and I start this May 2011. Did you make a decision on what path you were going to take? Selfishly, I kind of hope you chose SLU so I could say I knew someone coming in to the program! Good luck either way :)


I was just wondering did you wait until all of your pre-reqs were done before you applied to the accelerated BSN programs or were you still taking some when you applied?

@ chessknight

I was taking pre-reqs as I applied, and I will finish them up this semester before school begins this May. I think if you talk to the nursing departments, they will give you specifics as to when you transcripts need to be in by. I think for SLU, your transcripts need to be in at max a month after you start, so sometime in June for me.


I actually did decide to go to SLU's accelerated BSN for May 2011! We should definitely chat through e-mail or something. I don't know anyone else going into the program, but I'm excited!!

That is SO GREAT! I have been excited, but I am officially more excited now! Definitely. Let's exchange email and talk some more. I requested friendship with you on here. I'm not sure how this site really works?!

Talk to you soon!

And congratulations!! :)


I'm not sure how it works either, but I think I accepted the request. I definitely want to exchange e-mail addresses. Is there a way to send private messages on here?


I am also still finishing up pre-requisites. SLU allows you to apply even though you still have classes to complete. I applied in August and still had 5 classes to complete. I have 2 more this semester then I'll start in May!

Thanks for the info and congrats on getting accepted! I'll probably be applying to the area accelerated BSN programs after this semester now that I know that all the pre-reqs don't have to be completed first...I think I only have 4 left. Good luck at SLU! Oh and I think you have to make 10 posts before you can send private messages.

I am also planning on attending SLU's accelerated program next week. I originally was going to go to Barnes, but was won over by SLU's amazing health insurance plan.

Hi marathoner. I'll be starting next week as well! I'm starting to get pretty nervous, but I can't wait!

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