Slapstick Humor

Specialties Emergency


Specializes in Critical Care/Teaching.

If I had to post a position for a nurse, here is how it would go:


People to work long hours with frequent mandatory overtime. Few holidays and weekends off. Must be able to keep massive amounts of paperwork up to date while making split second, life or death decisions. All of whit will a smile...

Must be immune to verbal abuse and able to neutralized the occasional physical assault. Must display patience, kindness, understanding and caring even when your personal life is coming apart at the seams.....

Must show no aversion to blood, vomit, oozing infections or human body wastes. Salary in no way commensurates with knowledge and ability. Only those interested in dealing with depressing situations on a daily basis....need to apply!!

Specializes in Tele, ICU, ER.

Have a t-shirt with that job description on it - you can buy them at

I love it!

Specializes in ICU/CCU, CVICU, Trauma.

The OP's "ad" comes from Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio. Many years ago she actually placed that ad in the New York Times.


Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Education.
The OP's "ad" comes from Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio. Many years ago she actually placed that ad in the New York Times.


Why am I not surprised to hear she did this! :lol2:

Specializes in Peds; Peds Oncology.

You forgot the ability to hold your pee for 12 hours and live off coffee and crackers.

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