Single Mom question...let me hear from you!


I wanted to hear from other single mom's where they have found a place of employment that they can say they actually can still see thier kids. I am new out of school and first job I went straight to the hospital thinking it would be good to get the experience and great to work the 12 hrs 3 days a week thing. Well I am on my first week and it is kind of depressing and I am feeling guilty. They scheduled my first 2 weeks and told me I can schedule my own days after that makeing sure they are covered. Well they scheduled me everyother day this first week and the night before I have to work I take them to my mom's because I don' t want them to have to wake up 2 hours earlier than they have to, and when I get off work the next day I am so tired I can' t move from the couch!LOL By they time I pick them up from my mom's I it is almost bath and bed time and I get maybe 45 mins to talk to them if that. Then the next day I take one to school and the other is homeschooled but even that has been hard to do while I am playing catch up on house and to tired to do most of it. Then it's back to thier grandmother's because I work the next day. Also they go to thier dads every other weekend and where I work you have to work every other weekend so I guess that isn't bad. I would like to know if you found a certain job does better for you single nurses or if you found certain shifts or from experience does it get better? What do you guys find helpful? Thank you!

. Also they go to thier dads every other weekend and where I work you have to work every other weekend so I guess that isn't bad. I would like to know if you found a certain job does better for you single nurses or if you found certain shifts or from experience does it get better? What do you guys find helpful? Thank you!

I am also a single parent. You don't say how old your kids are, but when mine were younger, it was very difficult. I had the same guilt feelings you do. It gets easier when they get a little older. What worked best for the kids, was me working midnights. My mom or my sister came and stayed with them while I went to work. Then, I came home in the morning and took them to preschool/kindergarten and slept. I was tired ALL THE TIME! But, you adjust after a while. The worst shift with kids in school, for me, was evenings. I never saw my children. I wouldn't recommend evenings. Now, I work during the day while they're in school. I catch up while they are at their dad's every other weekend.

Specializes in LTC/Rehab,Med/Surg, OB/GYN, Ortho, Neuro.

My girls are 7 and 6, and I work 7P-7A, usually 4-5 days a week. I'm fortunate that my mom is able to watch the girls at night, and takes them to school in the mornings. Usually get home around 8, in bed by 9, back up at 2, and picking them up from school at 3. We do the homework, bath, cook dinner routine, then I get ready for work around 6, at work at 6:30 (only live less than 2 miles away), then the routine starts all over. I've been doing this for almost three years now, so we're used to it. On my days off (usually have the weekends off), we spend all of our time together. Unfortunately, because of money issues, I'm having to take a second job working 2 nights a week in a NH 20 minutes away, so we'll see how this works out.

I wanted to hear from other single mom's where they have found a place of employment that they can say they actually can still see thier kids. I am new out of school and first job I went straight to the hospital thinking it would be good to get the experience and great to work the 12 hrs 3 days a week thing. Well I am on my first week and it is kind of depressing and I am feeling guilty. They scheduled my first 2 weeks and told me I can schedule my own days after that makeing sure they are covered. Well they scheduled me everyother day this first week and the night before I have to work I take them to my mom's because I don' t want them to have to wake up 2 hours earlier than they have to, and when I get off work the next day I am so tired I can' t move from the couch!LOL By they time I pick them up from my mom's I it is almost bath and bed time and I get maybe 45 mins to talk to them if that. Then the next day I take one to school and the other is homeschooled but even that has been hard to do while I am playing catch up on house and to tired to do most of it. Then it's back to thier grandmother's because I work the next day. Also they go to thier dads every other weekend and where I work you have to work every other weekend so I guess that isn't bad. I would like to know if you found a certain job does better for you single nurses or if you found certain shifts or from experience does it get better? What do you guys find helpful? Thank you!

I have 3 and now they are 14, 12, and 10. When I schedule myself, I always make sure I only work a max of 2 days in a row with always a min of 2 days off. The kids hardly miss me, especially since I work at night. You will find that every 2-3 weeks you will have 5 days off. Quality time is the key for children.

Take care. Peace and love...nothing less!

Hi! I hope you don't mind me butting into this thread-but I wanted to give all you single mom's a giant :yelclap:


Thank you for that! And thank you for all that replied. I am just so tired at the end of the day and I am use to giving my kids all. And it's takeing me sometime to realize that sometimes, I can't. My kids are my world and the main reason why I went back to school to get a better job. To ALL the single moms! Hats off to you and keep the faith! We must be doing something right!LOL

Being a single parent is the pits, even if it is for the best. I work on call as an LPN, go to school for my RN and take care of my 4 little ones. When I get down thinking that I am not giving them my all like I am accustomed too. I try to remind myself that things change and in a few months my perspective may change and look brighter. I also try to remind myself what an example I am setting for my kiddos! Dont be to hard on yourself.. you undoubtedly are doing the best you can for today!

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