We have 1st grade little girl who is extremely obese and is continuously wetting her pants and being sent to the nurses office. This has been an on-going situation since last year. The last nurse, principal and teacher had several conferences with the parent to discuss the accidents as well as her behavior and refusing to do most classwork last year. The mom works for a urologist and said last year that she would have the student looked at- no medical indication of a problem by a physician was ever turned in. Fast forward a year and nothing has changed. Her parents hardly ever send extra clothes and she has had 4 accidents this week alone (2 yesterday and 2 today). I have had to call her dad each time to bring her clothes.
A few months ago she sent in paperwork from the place she works at, electronically signed by a NP, that stated the student needed to be sent to the bathroom every 2 hours and have access to water. No medical indication of anything wrong. She is still continuously having accidents. No matter if the teacher sends her to the bathroom or not. She has even peed on my bathroom floor right in front of the toilet. I have asked the mom if she had been tested for diabetes and she said that she did but she does not have it (I highly doubt she was tested).
I am wits end with all of her accidents. I feel it is more of a behavioral issue and not necessarily a medical problem- if it was I would hope her mom would have taken care of it. She just sits in her classroom and does not do her work, she cries hysterically when she is not getting her way and has also wet her pants when she does not get her way. We are supposed to have another conference next week with her parents. I am not sure what to say or do anymore. I get so frustrated each and every time she comes in to my office for an accident and has to sit there for at least 45 minutes until new clothes arrive. What can or should I do?