Signing up for my core classes tomorrow


List for Core pre-reqs

Technical Writing OR

English Composition (req placement test)

either is 3 credits

Intermediate College Algebra OR

Linear and Probability

either is 3 credits

Anatomy and physiology

7 credits

Introduction to psychology 4 credits

I also have the option of doing

Nutrition 3 credits

I think I'm going to do

Technical writing 3

Intermediate algebra 3

Intro to Psych4


and then next semester do

A&P 7

English comp 3

Linear and prob 3

You have to have 12 credits to be full time, which is what I want for financial aid purposes.

Any thoughts? I can sign up for my classes tomorrow morning. :)

Specializes in long term care.

best wishes to you!!

good day in the night, 7 credits for A&P!!! Is that like some sorta super advanced A&P 1 and 2 combined? lol

Per the course description...

Basic knowledge necessary for students in health-related programs. Emphasis is on normal anatomy and physiology with presentation of basic con*cepts in chemistry and microbiology as they relate to human anatomy and physiology. A cadaver lab is included.

Oie. So, I ended up with A&P, my algebra class and the wrong english class until the placement test on the 1st. Apparently the school is turning A&P into a 2 semester class starting in the fall so if I don't take it now and get a B, I'll have to wait an extra semester to be in the LPN program. FUN! :lol2:

Hi Rohan,

Sorry it took so long to reply.. I'm glad you got your classes in order-hopefully everything works out well for you as far as the extra semester... Did you get any snow up there? We did in Helena tonight..Not too much though, my first snow here! Gorgoeous as always...:rotfl:

No snow yet...the weather man has been threatening us within but so far just tons of rain. Halloween was particularly wet and cold lol. I live up the mountain a little ways so I'm in no hurry for snow. The road is reall steep so I usually end of sliding down and gunning it to try and make it over the ice to get back up. :coollook:

Ok so its extremely obvious you all know much more about this online thing than I do. I just need to take an anatomy and physiology course as a pre-req for nursing school. I dont know which sites to go to or anything. Any one, please help!!:imbar

I'm going to the University of Montana College of Technology. Where are you looking to go to school at?

Oh..and my A&P is 1 and 2 combined into 1 semester. At least if I flunk it, it won't count against me :) In the fall it turns back into a 2 semester course :)

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