significant other during procedure?

Specialties Gastroenterology


I have heard of some places allowing significant other in room when colonoscopy being done and some places that wont..the ones that wont say that they are worried about significant other passing out, a PCA who worked maternity for 16 years, I find that pretty funny because so many dads pass out(a few ended up in ER for stitches!) and we still let the Dads in!!! I am a nursing student and hubby had colonoscopy done and the Dr said it was fine and hubby said it was fine..the GI Unit said no..for me to wait until I get into school to see one..when I had mine, I was awake for part of it and would have liked my hubby there, would have tolerated the pain more with him there....any thoughts???

I have heard of some places allowing significant other in room when colonoscopy being done and some places that wont..the ones that wont say that they are worried about significant other passing out, a PCA who worked maternity for 16 years, I find that pretty funny because so many dads pass out(a few ended up in ER for stitches!) and we still let the Dads in!!! I am a nursing student and hubby had colonoscopy done and the Dr said it was fine and hubby said it was fine..the GI Unit said no..for me to wait until I get into school to see one..when I had mine, I was awake for part of it and would have liked my hubby there, would have tolerated the pain more with him there....any thoughts???

Bad idea. Most of the endoscopy suites are too small to have another body there. Also if you have a problem you have another body in the way. Just say no.

David Carpenter, PA-C

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

dh wanted me in the room when he had his second colonoscopy. he had it at the facility where we worked, and no one had any problem with it except the gi nurses. turns out they didn't want to participate in his procedure at all since most of them used to work in the icu with us -- and more than a few of them used to date him. when he scheduled his procedure, they did a poll of the nurses and assigned him to the one nurse who didn't know either of us!

in the icu, we're present during endoscopies and colonoscopies anyway, so it certainly wasn't among the first hundred i'd seen. i did fine, dh did fine and the nurse we didn't know did just fine, too.

I agree that it should be ok as long as patient is OK with it..they take an extra person in the room when nursing programs rotate extra stranger is OK, but an extra spouse is not..????

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