how do you sign your name?


Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.

Hi everyone, I am doing the program for my upcoming pinning and there is some discrepancy on how to put in the instructors names. I've asked them and it's split down the middle. Is it degree then license? or License then degree?

Half of them want:

Jane Doe, ANP, MSN, BSN, RN

The other half want:

John Doe, RN, BSN, MSN, ANP

which way is right??? help!!!

I usually see it as Jane Doe, MSN, NP...I never see both BSN and MSN used together.

Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.

i haven't either, but i guess they want ALL of their degrees listed? i passed around a sheet for all the instructors to sign, and they all did it differently, but all included BSN in between. not all of them at NP's (about half are), but they are all MSN, and i am so afraid i am going to offend someone by not getting their credentials correctly! thanks for your input!

I remember a thread a while back and if memory serves me the way it should be listed is degrees then liccenses/titles. Degrees cannot be suspended or revolked or "lost" due to not renewing, lack of CEU's etc, are listed first, licenses than can be (RN, CRNA, APRN ETC) are listed after. And it goes highest title down to least..

ETA: Found it. Here is the posting I was referring to:

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care, Gero, dementia.

It's my understanding too that one lists ones degrees (which can't be revoked) before licenses/certificates which can. It also seems that with most people, once they have an advanced degree they don't list undergrad ones, and if you have a generic masters (MS or MSN) and then a terminal (doctorate) degree, you don't list the masters either -- only if it's a NP, APN, CNS or something of that sort. That said, it's true: within my own school there are numerous individuals with the same education/credentials and they list them in different order. If I'm corresponding w/someone and I have an example of how they self-identify, I just use that.

Specializes in Emergency, Cardiac, PAT/SPU, Urgent Care.

Yep, I agree with Marachne. Right now I sign my name Softballmama, BSN, RN, CEN.

Specializes in ACNP-BC, Adult Critical Care, Cardiology.
i haven't either, but i guess they want ALL of their degrees listed? i passed around a sheet for all the instructors to sign, and they all did it differently, but all included BSN in between. not all of them at NP's (about half are), but they are all MSN, and i am so afraid i am going to offend someone by not getting their credentials correctly! thanks for your input!

I've seen some publications list the licensure first, then the degree, and the certifications last. Most academic settings use the degree first, licensure next, and certifications last. As many have already said, only the highest degree is listed in most cases. That said, I would follow however your instructors wrote their own credentials. The names of faculty in your pinning program may appear odd but, at least you did not offend faculty members who wanted their credentials written a certain way.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

I'd check with the dean. If she has no opinion, I'd just go with however they wrote it on the list. But I've never seen both BSN and MSN listed, its assumed if you have an MSN you have a bachelor's in something.

For professional purposes, I agree with those who told you to list the highest degree first, then license, then credentials; for the same reasons.

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