Hi, I am currently in nursing school with two semesters left (not counting the one I am currently in). I have been diagnosed with Narcolepsy about 4 years ago (before I even started nursing school). I have noticed that due to my disorder, I have been late to clinicals a couple of times (because it is so early and I have such a difficult time waking up). I set my alarm 2 hours before I even have to leave. Yes, I have medication to perk me back up when I am feeling really sleepy. This disorder is also covered by the ADA (American Disabilities Act). The other day, during the post-conference at clinical, I was resting my head against the headrest of the chair, still listening and rocking the chair back and forth, but closing my eyes because I was way sleepy. I noticed the clinical instructor making a point to watch me rest my eyes. I noticed it when I would open them up every couple of seconds. I wasn't falling asleep, but had a strong desire to just shut my eyes. So, after that, I am wondering if I should let my school know that I have this disorder. At first, I was worried that they may inhibit me from doing certain things, but since I have been at their school for almost 2 years, they would be able to look back at my track record and see that I've been doing extremely well, including my grades. So, should I tell my school about my disorder?
Thank you all!