Published Jan 21, 2018
13 Posts
Hello, I'm a pre-nursing student and was wondering if going to an accelerated RN to MSN program is really worth it. I just think that doing RN to BSN is kind of a waste of time and money especially if you're interested in becoming an advanced practice nurse. I mean it's quicker, right? But at the same time, is it worth it?
Those who actually went through that process, what are your thoughts? What do you think is best to do?
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
As someone who has gone through it, I would highly recommend doing the BSN first, then continuing on to an MSN if that is what you want. You may change your mind, you may have to take time off, you may decide that it's not what you want, or decide that you want to go in another direction. If you do a direct MSN program, you will not have a BSN to show for it. There are many relatively fast, inexpensive RN-BSN programs out there.
Really? Thanks for the input. It's just that the thing with getting a BSN when I would already have an RN with the saaame eligibility to take the NCLEX and pass is just feels like waste of I'd rather get bachelor in something different yet related to the health field (I like the variety) if I were to get a bachelor's degree. I'm not gonna lie. Lately I have been thinking about doing RN to BSN. I'm still pre-nursing. I'm just trying to figure it out.
Rocknurse, MSN, APRN, NP
1,367 Posts
What is it you want to use the degree for? Aim for that instead of just getting a degree blindly. You say you want to get a Bachelor's in a related area, but be aware that in the nursing world a degree other than a BSN is essentially worthless. Nursing only recognizes the BSN. What do you plan using the MSN for?
5,234 Posts
You seem to be a little confused about this. You need to graduate from a BSN or ADN program to sit for the NCLEX after which, if you pass, you then become an RN. I would highly recommend you get your BSN.