Published Feb 8, 2017
14 Posts
I graduated in December 2016 and have been using Uworld to prep for the NCLEX-RN. I will admit that I haven't being studying as much as I should. I am supposed to take the test this Friday 2/10 but I took the Uworld SIM NCLEX-RN exam today and I got 45% of the questions correct and was ranked at the 26th percentile. I am thinking of rescheduing my test because there is no way I will be able to pass with these low scores. Please any advice towards me will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
63 Posts
I would go with your gut feeling. If you feel like you aren't ready, then don't force yourself to take it on Friday. I rescheduled mine twice.
My advice is to review each and every question you do--read the rationales thoroughly and take notes if you need to. But really understand why you chose the wrong answers but also why you chose the correct answers.
4 Posts
I had that same feeling. I only used Kaplan to study and only got the suggested 65% once. I took mine 2/7, I made myself do it. To get it over with and see what it consisted of. It was extremely hard but honestly I don't think rescheduling it would have helped me any. I didn't have any of the same contents from the thousands of questions I answered on Kaplan. I think that if you mainly have prioritization down you should be good. That was what the majority of my 265 QUESTIONS consisted of. Also, I'm not sure if you're like me but I have a terrible memory! I graduated in December as well, and wish I would have taken it sooner when all of the content was fresh on my mind. Btw I haven't heard of anyone leaving the NCLEX feeling certain that they passed. I left crying after 5 hours, basically 100% sure I had failed. Next day I found out I had passed! Do what you feel is right!
Thank you for your response. I ended up taking my test on thursday and I just found out that I passed
91 Posts
That's great, Congrats!!!!!!
What did you do these last few days? how did you study? Did you continue to use Uworld?