Should I make an appearance at my hearing?


Long story short.. I was in my states (CT) confidential program and messed up.. so I am now being brought over to the DPH side with a consent order. My hearing is on October 16th and the DPH attorney stated, You are not required to be present however we suggest that you come. My therapist said he hasn’t heard of anyone actually going for their hearing.. not sure if going would help/hurt me. Any suggestions/advise would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Specializes in OR.

This is your one chance to defend yourself in a setting where they will actually have to see you. Whatever you may have ‘messed up’ with is not so awful that it warrants throwing yourself to the wolves without nary a peep in your defense.

I was already trapped in my states program (which is known as one of the more draconian horror shows of monitoring programs out there) when the board got wind of my situation. Still under the mistaken impression that the program was there to ‘advocate’ for me (hint: they ain’t. It’s all about the $$) and still reeling from an unnecessary stint in a dirty, gross excuse for a rehab that the programs ‘approved’ evaluators ‘recommended (that also completely ignored my psychiatric needs), I did not grasp the importance of an appearance at that meeting.
While the end result may have been the same (monitoring program, contract, etc.) I might have had some success in keeping it confidential. Instead, in spite of a self report (one of the stupidest pieces of advice I ever listened to) which ostensibly is supposed to do that, my ‘sins’ are plastered on my license forever. Granted, I am now in a position where I was hired for my skills and not my history, but that has been a long time coming.
It may not drastically change the outcome, but at least you will know that they are aware of your adherence to the program to this point and there will be a human face attached to the file folder.

Specializes in Oceanfront Living.

I would definitely make the appearance. When the DOH attorney makes a "suggestion" , it is really not just a suggestion. If you do not make an appearance, it just makes the attorney's job so much easier. She/he will read the charges as outlined in the consent order. The board members will most likely all concur with the state's proof. It will all be over in a flash.

It may all turnout that way if you do appear. However, at least the board members will see you as a person and not just a case on the docket.

Please obtain your own attorney who is familiar with nursing board proceedings.

For the love of god listen to your lawyer, not your therapist.

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