Published Mar 18, 2010
62 Posts
Okay, I just turned 21 years old and i am currently attending cal state la but i didn't get into their program. I've been apply to other nursing schools and im in the hopes to apply to more....but i was thinking should i go for cna first to see if nursing is really for me? Do you know if cna has helped people figure out if this is really what they wanna do?
So far i've been thinking that maybe i should go for my cna then work my way up to an RN if i still havent been accepted to any school.
don't get me wrong, if i do decide to go get my CNA i will still apply to nursing schools to be an RN.
what do u guys think? should i take this path?
I mean i really want to be a nurse but to in order to experience it should i start from the bottom?
i've had people tell me to go straight to me RN.
I'm still young and i know im going to stuck in school for awhile because getting into a nursing school is not easy.
What do u guys think? im in need of guidance.
21 Posts
I would say it doesn't hurt to become a CNA first since usually it doesn't take long to go through classes and get tested. Here in Pennsylvania, I took a 3 week class one month and took my certification exam the following month. Plus, I was hired immediately after my class as a non-certified aide (called a personal care assistant here) and my employer paid for my training and certification exam.
Depending on where you work, you will get exposure to what nurses do and that may help you decide if you want to go further in your career in healthcare.
Good luck!
5 Posts
Hi omgitsmari,
I am in the same situation as you! I am done w/ all my pre-reqs & so now i'm playing the waiting game for the nursing programs. I plan to apply EVERYWHERE after the summer, just to get my name on as many lists as i can. For most schools, waiting list can take up to two years... So in the mean time I'm going to do a CNA program after this spring semester ends in May. I figured that since i'm going to have to wait for two years anyways, I might as well try to get out there & get some experience! hope this helps, & goodluck!
12 Posts
Do it!
okay thanks for all the advices. i think i may consider taking up cna while trying to apply into nursing schools
Do you guys think it is worth it to go to a private school for CNA? i found one close by but the tuition is 2,000 i u guys think it is worth it? i kind of dont know what to do. I live in the hollywood, ca area
200 Posts
$2,000 for a CNA class is expensive. I went to a private school for my CNA and my total tuition including background check, fingerprints, etc. was $1100.
Check with your local community college.
You should get your CNA because it would help you decide if nursing is right for you and get you experience before you start nursing school.
Dorali, BSN, LPN, RN
471 Posts
Go for it! There is so much you can learn in the meantime.
We needed help turning a heavy resident the other day and the only person available was our charge nurse. She came to help willingly, but when we got there I had to explain to her what to do! I am soooo glad I became a CNA first. I can already see how much this is going to help me through nursing school.
Btw, $2,000 seems outrageous to me. Mine was $700 and included scrubs, steth & blood pressure kit, I got to keep my textbook instead of using a loaner, etc. Just because it's a private school doesn't necessarily mean that it's better.
$2,000 for a CNA class is expensive. I went to a private school for my CNA and my total tuition including background check, fingerprints, etc. was $1100.Check with your local community college.You should get your CNA because it would help you decide if nursing is right for you and get you experience before you start nursing school.
um...the closest community college, LACC, by my house does not off the CNA program unfortunately.
Go for it! There is so much you can learn in the meantime. We needed help turning a heavy resident the other day and the only person available was our charge nurse. She came to help willingly, but when we got there I had to explain to her what to do! I am soooo glad I became a CNA first. I can already see how much this is going to help me through nursing school. Btw, $2,000 seems outrageous to me. Mine was $700 and included scrubs, steth & blood pressure kit, I got to keep my textbook instead of using a loaner, etc. Just because it's a private school doesn't necessarily mean that it's better.
I really want to and try it out but the nursing schools close to my house are mostly private and costs 2,000+
i really want to do this but i dont want to spend that much i dont think it should even cost that much.
do you guys know any in the hollywood/La area?
eveningsky339, LPN
170 Posts
Yes, go for your CNA. The real question is, will you utilize your certification in the job market?
I know several people who acquired a certification, but never utilized it. However, it still proved very useful. For example, I'm currently working per diem in a nursing home, though I tend to hate every minute of it. But I do not regret getting my certification because I have a baby on the way, and the skills I was taught in class will come in handy my little one arrives.