Should I go back to my 1st dose of HepaB vaccine?

Nurses General Nursing


okay., so i had my HepaB vaccine(1st dose) last year, around the end of August. And until now, i still dont have my 2nd dose... question is should i go back to my 1st dose OR continue with the 2nd dose? :confused:And why?

Pls help me...thanks..:)

From CDC: HBV FAQs for Health Professionals

"If there is an interruption between doses of Hepatitis B vaccine, does the vaccine series need to be restarted?

No, the series does not need to be restarted.

If the vaccine series was interrupted after the first dose, the second dose should be administered as soon as possible.

The second and third doses should be separated by an interval of at least 8 weeks.

If only the third dose is delayed, it should be administered as soon as possible."

Hep B isn't a fun disease to have. Your best bet (and to obtain the best info) is to talk to your doctor, not ask random people on the internet. That, and giving medical advice is against our Terms of Service.

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

You need to speak to your medical care provider and ask their advice. Imagine if one of our members say no don't bother and you listen, get a needle stick and contract Heb B.

Please speak to your doctor, thread closed

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