Should I Continue Fighting For What I Want?

Nurses General Nursing


i failed my 2rn classes because i had anxiety & a little bit of depression. i already sent my petition letter to rnschool 1month ago, but i didn't include the reasons why i know for a fact that it was these items that got in the way of my doing well. below is a paragraph i plan to send in an email to the head of the committee chair professor. should i send it or not-is it too late? my advisor told me last week they haven't sent out response letters yet. should i also write i am willing to take 1rn class this fall if there are no spots available to take both. i looked on the registrar & it showed the #spots still available.(mentalhealth-2, pedsob-4, patho-6, pharm-11) there are spots available!!!

i had a meeting w/ "name". we discussed reasons for me not succeeding in rnschool. i explained to him about my lack of social life &my previous meeting w/ professor ****, which i will address later, he concluded that the reason that i was not doing well was because i lacked a social life& had test anxiety. i agreed. i explained to *name* about the times when i did well on my exam. this is what i explained to him, i met w/ my mentalhealth teacher to go over my exam. during the appointment she gave me a new test packet& had me answer the questions that i had originally gotten wrong. because i was in a more relaxed setting & was not being timed, i answered alot of the questions correctly. later in the semester i made an appointment w/ *name* to discuss reasons for my not doing well. she too did this same exercise w/ me that *name* did. however this time she just pulled an exam out of her file (not one i had recently taken) & had me answer a few questions, i again answered alot of them correctly. there were a couple of times when i would spend time w/ a friend during the weeknight/weekend. before i went out i did my homework. that work that i completed, whether it was a care plan/reading material. i did well on even w/ the limited amount of time i had to complete it in.

i will also include some things that i will do different like, incorporate specific studying techniques, social networking, continuing exercizing, etc. is that too much to add?

Specializes in IMCU.

If you met with a school counsellor why aren't they helping you with this? They will know the school and know the people who make the decisions. We had a woman who failed her first semester she had dreadful anxiety and when it came to tests her head would just about explode. One of our counsellors took up her case with the dean and she was back in two semesters later. The semester she was not in nursing school she took a "college success" type course as well -- this was a requirement.

So it is possible.

I agree about leaving out lack of social life etc. etc. Way too much information. You could say that you have put in place a network of support outside of college but that is about it.

DolceVita, I've tried contacting the counselor. What makes me so mad is that the 2nd week of May, during our last counseling session she said, "I will do whatever u want me to, I will get on the phone & talk to whomever u want me to, I will help u." u won't actually, because I've asked for your help quite a few times this summer & you haven't replied to my emails/messages!!:devil:

My current counselor REWROTE my petition letter. She worked w/ a woman who works at a college who helps students petition. It did include the basic info from my old letter. She just said that my old one had ALOT of justification in it, it's true, it was just like my 1st post.

The reason why I want to put the social thing & exercise is because in my petition letter I included that I was having feelings of anxiety, depression, & lonliness. So, if I were to not put those things down then I'm afraid that the committee might not think that I am going to do things to prevent that from happening again.

Specializes in IMCU.

SnowRain Have you actually sought advice from a proper mental health professional about this stuff? Here is why...

My biggest concern is not if you are going to successfully petition. If your anxiety and depression, regardless of the cause(s), was sufficient to cause you to fail out in multiple classes you should seek proper medical help. I don't necessarily mean medication, but you should see someone who can discuss ALL options with you. With respect to school counselors, they just are not qualified to aide you in this.

If you had suffered a physical ailment that had caused you to fail classes you wouldn't need to jump through these hoops. So I guess I object to the idea that you must submit some kind of highly personal and detailed "plan". But that is just my problem I suppose.

My first semester back at college was a mess with family illness and all manner of life changing events. It killed my GPA and I thought my chances were slim about nursing school. When I was asked about it I simply said that I had been ill and was better now. They asked for confirmation and my doctor provided a letter stating that he was authorized to confirm that I had been ill and that he considered me fit for the challenge of full-time nursing school. He did not give details. Frankly, I was sick as anything with all manner of anxiety type stuff -- migraines, high BP, insomnia etc. He never medicated me for anxiety but he did offer it. I refused. The school never asked for more details and I got in.

Now obviously you don't need to share personal details with me or anyone -- I just want to make sure that you won't do yourself a disservice by seeking help from the wrong source.

As for that counselor, I would show up at your counselor's office and tell them that you seem to be having trouble reaching them. If you can't get them ask the office for a different one immediately.

I am not you, but if I was in your position I would simply re-petition with a letter stating that I had been unwell during the last semester, have sought medical assistance (or whatever), and now am in a position to fully participate in my nursing classes -- or similar.

Good luck.

i did have my current counselor write a note. it stated "she has been gaining a better understanding &resolving issues behind my anxiety &depression, we will cont.2meet & focus on issues that created the difficulties in her 2ndsemester at ***university. she is very motivated and shows a high level of commitment to improving her well being on all levels." she wrote this a month ago. maybe i should have her write something like i am better now, because whenever i have my weekly counseling session she always says that to me. :yeah:

the reason why i want to include specific plans is because in the guidelines of the petition letter it stated that petitions must include a plan of action of how, when, and in what manner you propose to meet the requirement and a plan of action of how you will alter any academic, work, or social practices that might hinder your future success in the school of nursing

i am jumping through hoops because i really want this, i love this school-the environment, classmates, my apartment, my neighbors, size of classes, all the faculty (nursing & others)

Specializes in IMCU.
i did have my current counselor write a note. it stated "she has been gaining a better understanding &resolving issues behind my anxiety &depression, we will cont.2meet & focus on issues that created the difficulties in her 2ndsemester at ***university. she is very motivated and shows a high level of commitment to improving her well being on all levels." she wrote this a month ago. maybe i should have her write something like i am better now, because whenever i have my weekly counseling session she always says that to me. :yeah:

the reason why i want to include specific plans is because in the guidelines of the petition letter it stated that petitions must include a plan of action of how, when, and in what manner you propose to meet the requirement and a plan of action of how you will alter any academic, work, or social practices that might hinder your future success in the school of nursing

i am jumping through hoops because i really want this, i love this school-the environment, classmates, my apartment, my neighbors, size of classes, all the faculty (nursing & others)

aha! i see what you are saying. even so i might tweak a couple of phrases. for example, instead of saying lonely or no social life you could say something like "previously i lacked a strong personal support network a nursing student needs" then go on to say that you "have cultivated personal and other resources to the extent that you are confident in their ongoing support of me and my professional goals". or something like that -- i could have worded it a bit better.

hope that helps. good luck.

dolcevita - wonderful comment about cultivating, etc. i will add that in there

when i was reviewing my old petition letter w/ my advisor she said, "the more specific i am, the better."

i already turned in my petition, but am going to send this additional document attached to the head of the committee as an additional effort to convince them that i am making efforts, capable, & ready to come back. would it be a good idea if i have my current counselor write a letter stating that i am better now?


My petition was denied. I called my mental health counselor up & she & I are meeting monday afternoon. She is going to call them & talk to them about my condition & that I am able to return to the School of Nursing because I am better. I hope this works. Otherwise I don't know what I am going to do.

Specializes in General adult inpatient psychiatry.
My petition was denied. I called my mental health counselor up & she & I are meeting monday afternoon. She is going to call them & talk to them about my condition & that I am able to return to the School of Nursing because I am better. I hope this works. Otherwise I don't know what I am going to do.

It may just be that there's not enough space to re-accept you. I would ask to see why your petition was denied. Do you think you're better thanks to your time in therapy?

My petition was denied because they think that my failing 2 nursing courses in 1 semester is evident of my going to be successful in the nursing program. I definitely am better because of my time in therapy. Last counseling session my counselor told me, "You are ready to go back, you smile more, and you have improved in all areas that you were suffering from." I also FEEL so much better.

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

Could you take courses outside the nursing program--support courses, preferably, but any serious academic classes might do--to demonstrate your improved study habits? A couple of semesters of good grades might help your cause, along with bringing up your GPA.

Of course, an A in basketweaving might not help, but there'd be no harm in focusing on your strengths. If you do well in English, for example, you might take a literature course, or classes like Psych and Sociology that have a strong reading and writing component. Or if science is your strong suit, you can never get too much Biology.

This will delay your graduation, of course, but it looks like it's going to be delayed, regardless. It may also be a financial hardship, but if you can swing even part-time tuition, you could do yourself some good.

Also, regarding communication with advisors, registration, financial aid, etc., there is just no substitute for making appointments and meeting face to face.

E-mails, letters, and phone calls are okay for follow-up, but more things happen when you meet in person. Also, don't plead. Don't be cocky, of course, but a firm handshake and eye contact go a long way toward getting things rolling.

I am willing to take 1 nursing course this fall semester, but I haven't told them that. My mentalhealth counselor is going to speak to the school of nursing over the phone and I'll be in the room. The nursing school is like 31/2 hours away so that is why it's not feasible to see them face-to-face.

i honestly don't think a letter is going to help. in school i learned that those types of thinks are very black and white. that is, there is a seat available or isn't. your grades are good enough or not. you pass the class or not. but if you don't send anything and you're not accepted, you'll always wonder if sending the letter would have helped. so, do whatever you think will behoove you the most. good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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