Published Feb 4, 2010
181 Posts
OK- Now I know you ALL know what I'm going to describe- the words/letters used to describe situations that you could NEVER put in a chart. I'd like to hear some of yours.
"O" sign---What the patients face looked like when you walked in and found they had expired.
"E" sign- same as above, but the face resembles what it looks like when you ride a roller coaster.
2-4, 7-9...Twentyfour,seventy niner- used to describe someone who will be passing soon- as in "Calling hours are 2 to4, 7 to 9.
To go bag-.....shroud.
Q sign- same as the O, except the tounge is hanging out
Recycler- someone who eats his poop.
Wall of shame- the wall by the nursing station where all the confused patients get put at night.
Free range curtain turds.... This is what you get when you walk into a confused patients room to find they have been finger painting on the privacy curtain with poop. Hopefully it is theirs....
Spelunking- similar to exploring a cave, but it usually involves a flashlight, a foley cath, and a very large lady.
HHH- happy haldol haze- usually what we wish for our patients to be in as they sit on the wall of shame.
Repeat offender- someone who has had so many admissions, you can do their data base by heart.
FLB- funny looking beat- a beat, or run of beats that we can't figure out WHAT it is.
Torsades, with underlying asystole.....something that is FUNNY to tell your float nurses who do not interpret tele rhythms. Just be SURE to tell them you are kidding before they chart it.Trust me on this....
slug- someone who won't move, or who can take care of themselves, but expect you to do everything for them.
Vitamin H- haldol.
Hypoxanaxemia- what I SWEAR should be a diagnosis- usually the result of elderly people who pop xanax like candy, but forgot to remind the MD to order it for them on admission.
CTD- circling the drain
FTD- fixing to die.
celestial discharge-self explanitory...
and my FAVORITE of all time- IFD. Stands for "I"dentified "F"lying "D"entition (or Dentures...same thing
FLK- funny looking kid- usually seen being delivered to FLPs- funny looking parents.
PPP- PISS POOR PROTOPLASM- actually a quote from one of our OB docs....
These are just a few off the top of my head. Your turn!
1 Post
"Shake and Bake" an addict in withdrawl ("We got three Shake and Bakes in the ER")
DSP or NSP-- Dayshift problem or Nightshift prolem ("That order is a DSP now!")
Code Brown: large amount of stool that didn't make it to the commode.
And one for the tele nurses--
Sustained pause: asystole.
56 Posts
* Cardiac patients with MUH (messed up heart), PBS (pretty bad shape), PCL (pre-code looking), or HIBGIA (had it before, got it again). * Stroke patients - "Charlie Carrots". CCFCCP (Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs) to describe their mental state. * Trauma patients - CATS (cut all to ****), FDWB (fell down, went boom), TBC (total body crunch), or "Hamburger helper". * Car crash - NV2VI ("negative vehicle to vehicle interface") or TDS ("terminal deceleration syndrome"). * HAZMAT teams - "glow worms". * Persons with altered mental states as a result of drug use - "pharmaceutically enhanced". * Gunshot wounds to the head are "Trans-occipital implants". * The homeless are - "urban outdoorsman". * Endotracheal intubation - "PVC challenge". * Recently deceased or dying persons - TBTT ("to be toe-tagged"), ART (assuming room temperature), CC (cancel Christmas), or RFDN (ready for dirt nap). * Handbag positive for the little old lady who insists on keeping it in the bed with her. * P cubed = piss poor protoplasm, P5T = piss poor protoplasm poorly put together * FF (Frequent Flyer) Homeless person in no acute distress - 3 hots and a cot seeker
murphyle, BSN, RN
279 Posts
We heard a few good ones while rotating through med/surg:
Studying for the final exam - terminal pt who's suddenly taken an interest in religion
Transferred to Eternal Care Unit - pt expired
Peek and shriek - pt goes to OR, is opened and closed without the actual procedure being performed (i.e. they found something horribly terminal in there)
...And a few from emergency:
Transcranial high-velocity ballistic therapy - GSW to head
Ballistic divorce, ballistic breakup - domestic violence involving firearms
LOCL - Little Old Cat Lady (pt with absurd numbers of animals and failing health r/t supporting animal population at own expense, usually brought in by Social Services or local PD)
WADAO - Weak And Dizzy All Over (vertigo and weakness with no other symptoms and negative evaluation - either factitious complaint for work note, or r/t skipped meals or skipped glycemic agents)
PDFO - P*ss Drunk, Fell Over (self explanatory)
400 Club - pt presenting A&Ox3 with BAL of >400 mg/dL
Green Snot Syndrome - nonspecific upper respiratory complaints of children under 7, always presenting with copious purulent nasal discharge, for which parent will demand antibiotics despite all evidence to the contrary
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
One that I have not heard in the medical community, but we used when I worked in a vet clinic was ADR - Ain't Doin Right - for an animal with non-specific s/s, off feed, etc.