Share Your Favorite Motivational Quote - WIN $250! Nurses Week Contest 2018

Nurses General Nursing Contest



What is your favorite motivational quote that gets you through your day as a nurse? Share it with us and you could win one of two $250 gift cards for scrubs and stethoscopes retailer!

Your favorite motivational quote can be fun, inspirational, zany - whatever you wish! If it's good, it could win of of this contest's two grand prizes!

Don't be afraid, though, if you don't win one of the grand prizes. You can still win one of our two runner-up prize packs containing the items shown below and MUCH MORE!


What are you waiting for? Let us know your favorite motivational quote and get that much closer to winning!

There are more contests, too...

Have fun, thanks to all of the nurses across the country and Happy National Nurses Week!!!

National Nurses Week Celebration

30 Days of Celebration / 8 Days of Giveaways

UPDATED May 14 ... and the winner is...

As promised, the winners are posted below. Thanks for all of the awesome and creative entries!!! Feel free to share!



Team work makes the dream work!

The most motivational words to get me through the hard days are the words "critical pay or overtime pay" the inbetween times always seem beyond busy to even squeeze in thoughts of doubt of not making it through.

During nursing School it's "fake it until you make" fake the confidence of you know exactly what you're doing and after some practice you actually start having such confidence. And during school your classmates are now part of your family work together.

"Just Keep Swimming"

Be the change you wish you see in the world

Simple "Work hard, play hard"

"It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing." -Mother Teresa

Keep on swimming, keep on swimming, keep on swimming.

"Forever is composed of nows"-Emily Dickinson

"Whether you think you can or you can't--your right"

"My health my fail, my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever" Psalm 73:26 NLT

"Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice."

Fact 24:14

"Even when you loose, don't loose the lesson"

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