Share your tips & shortcuts for moms/students!

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Okay, thought I would start this thread and hopefully all you current and past mommy/students will share your best hints with the rest of us! I start the nursing program this fall; I can't even begin to imagine how hard it will be with my 3 kids and working full-time. That is why I want to find as many shortcuts as possible to keep my house in order among a thousand other things. For example: A friend told me she bought paper plates, etc for those nights when every second counted. I personally love the disinfecting wipes (my fave is my own store's brand, it's soapier) for the bathroom. I've went in to brush my teeth in the morning and wiped down the whole bathroom in 5 mins! (except the tub/shower) SG

Wow! STILL burned with a crockpot? Yikes!:eek:

Does your family like salads? Bagged salad and all the fixins like meat, cheese, croutons etc are nice to keep on hand for a fast meal. I also cook up seasoned taco meat and keep some in the freezer for taco salads. Paired with the tortillla bowls, you've got a yummy meal with minimal cooking.

I also buy the big bags of Tyson frozen chicken breasts from Costco. They can be pulled out and cooked up thousands of different ways fast.

I, too, keep garbage bags and supplies both upstairs and downstairs. It's amazing how much time gets wasted just by walking up and down the stairs 15 times because you keep forgetting to grab the toliet bowl cleaner or paper towels!

I agree..laundry needs to be done everyday. Do I do it everyday? Usually no. I have before, and it does help. (And yes...I HATE folding the socks too! :chuckle )

The "15-minute power clean" through a room works wonders. Sometimes this is the only kind of cleaning I can get done all day. And if all I'm doing is making the bed and picking up clothes from the floor, at least it's something.

Now, does anyone have any suggestions for someone who hates to cook? I really did try to use my crock-pot on more than one occasion last semester, and after following all recipes exactly, I ~STILL~ managed to burn the dinners. How does this happen?!?!? Am I doomed to a life of Subway sandwiches and frozen pizzas?

Two words: daily planner :saint: :saint:

Now, does anyone have any suggestions for someone who hates to cook? I really did try to use my crock-pot on more than one occasion last semester, and after following all recipes exactly, I ~STILL~ managed to burn the dinners. How does this happen?!?!? Am I doomed to a life of Subway sandwiches and frozen pizzas?

:saint: :saint:

Do you have a newer crockpot? They cook hotter than the old ones and many of the recipes are still for the old ones. Some things it does not matter, but last year when I tried to make a spinach casserole, it got really brown on the sides. Mac and cheese burned too. Best bet now is to get one that automatically switches to warm after a certain time.

Any suggestions to a mother of four under five? I have three girls (two, three and four) and one boy (eight weeks). Even though I only work part-time at a local hospital (nights), trying to manage the kids and school has been a challenge. When I'm at work my husband watches the kids (pretty easy since they're all asleep), and I have a close friend who watches them while I'm attending class, but when I'm home they're all mine. My husband works long hours and doesn't get home until seven or eight at night. Any clever ideas on how to keep the two, three and four-year-old busy (for more than ten minutes at a time) besides the television, so I can study? There is not enough time in the day!

My 2 yo loves playdough or I let him have some paper and crayons to do "homework" with me. It keeps him busy for a short time but it will allow a couple of minutes to breath. If you are not too worried about meses (I am so this one I have only done once to get a shower in) let them "wash" dishes in the sink. There is great book out there called "The Preschoolers Busy Book" by Trish Kuffner that has some fabulous ideas (ISBN#: 780671316334). Good luck with school and your children.

Oh man...if there is a good recipe for this I'll pay a fortune for it! lol

Not overly politically correct I know, but it works for me. I dole out rewards (I have teens so the currency of choice is cold hard cash, but if they were littler I would use stickers, toys, candy...whatever it took!) for those nights before exams. To get the reward they agree to retire to their rooms early so that I can study. Husbands can be paid in "other ways"...hehehe....

I also like the 10 minute whip-around. Gather all the helpers you can and promise a treat of some kind afterwards. Set the timer for 10 minutes and go like crazy, giving out little jobs as you go. Even if your "helpers" are not that helpful, at least they are not making mess while you clean!!

Over the school holidays I publish a list on the fridge that has a list of jobs I need doing that I never get to during terms (windows, skirting boards, sweeping the drive, cleaning out the tupperware cupboard etc), all with dollar (or other reward) amounts next to it. The rule is "first in, best dressed"...and a job crossed off must be started within 15 mins and finished in an hour or so. Each list has 10-12 jobs on it, and I agree that when the whole list is crossed off, I will give the kids a trip to the movies (another couple of hours to study...sneaky...). THen I publish another list.

During school terms and I'm not at home when they get home, I leave post-its on the kitchen counter with jobs that do not get paid. Eg: Matt, chop a pot of veggies. Beth, mop the living room floor. If they don't get done then I relinquish my taxi-driver duties for that night!

I also encourage "loving and kind" that are volunteered for for which I provide lavish praise and the occasional spontaneous bit of recess money with a hearty "THANKYOU so much for helping me yesterday!"

We also have one night a week that is every-man-for-himself dinner. We've done this since they were tiny and could fix themselves a bowl of cereal for dinner. Now the dinners are getting more exotic and creative, and the kids love it when I declare it to be every-man-for-himself that night! I will even then them make an ice-cream sundae for dinner - I figure one night a week can't hurt? lol

hi all great ideas here are mine : close my son's bedroom door and don't look in . Works for him since he is 18 and wants privacy. He is responsible for his bathroom and our computer room which are probably not up to my usual standards but you have to decide what is really important and go from there. Stock up on non perishables to avoid to many trips to the store. Pick up as you go since a house looks clean even if it isn't if it's picked up. I'm sure the heavier the study load gets the less house work I will be doing.

My advice remember yourself first

Nursing school is the hardest thing you will hate and love at the same time

Invest in appliances crock pot george foreman grills rice cookers and bamboo steamers

I inherited 3 kids when I started nursing school and did not have websites like they have now

I learned to use desk calenders and plan my day and I would arise early meditate and breathe and the bamboo steamer was my friend

remember you are the machinery that run your house

do not be ashamed to ask for help when needed

you cant do it alone

good luck and god bless :chuckle


Love this thread! :)

Back up it goes! More tips anyone??

To save time and money, I've started using mail order for all our prescriptions.

Anything to save a trip into town!

Also, recently I've found a creative way for me to get over my guilt of being so busy with school and not spending enough time with the kids AND a way to get some houshold chores done at the same time. We've started playing Uno or Uno Attack with the kids and placing bets. Usually their bet if they win is they both get to stay up half an hour later or they get a dinner of their choice. If I win, I bet on an extra household chore they have to folding laundry or vacuming. It's been a lot of fun and we're really enjoying spending family time together that is away form the tv.

Back up it goes! More tips anyone??

Thanks to all for the crock pot links.

Like many others, I rely on an organizer. I check my to do list (school, kids, cleaning) before bed and in the am so I always have an idea of what's going on--also it allows me to re-prioritize as needed, cause I don't always get it done. When I'm tired from studying, working, taking care of the family, I find that if I don't have a list I just float around doing nothing. oI also have a set routine for housework, with certain tasks for each day, and Sunday is the day of rest from chores and school.

In the morning, while I start the coffee I make sure I feed the pets(otherwise I might forget), and just straighten up a bit.

But all the tips in the world won't help you keep your sanity if you don't just take a deep breath every once in a while and enjoy where you are at the moment--relax and you can even use "guided imagery" like we tell our patients to do when their worried/stress . Your not going to get it all done perfectly. I always try and guage whether I should stress or not by the ten year rule. Will this matter 10 years from now? Failing a test, yes. Screaming and yelling at my family because I'm stressed. Yes. Too few veggies for the kids, dust bunnies under the bed? Nope. So I just let it go the best I can.

Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

Good luck fellow wonderwomen/supermen!!!:)

One I have recently discovered. Make study time AWAY from the mkaes it much more productive! LOL! :chuckle

I also have a LARGE calander vbook that I keep track of any and all apointments on, like dance classes, appointments with teachers and the like...keeps us all organized. And the kids know if the need something on a certain date to write it down and stick it to my bullitin board so I'll see it. Otherwise it won't get done.

Do laundry EVERYDAY! Throw a load in in the morning, and let it go while you are getting the kids around for school. I have 7 people to wash for, and I swear by this. You should see my wash room after I work all weekend! :uhoh21:

Some days are better and some are worse. But keep on with the tips and well get a great list going here! :)

Specializes in Med-Surg, Psych.

It really helps to have my backpack all set the night before class with everything I need: PDA, glasses, supplies, syllabus, books, notebook, etc. I do the same for my children and it is making the early morning rush much easier.

I make sure everyone's clothes are laid out the night before, too. The kids shower at night so that is one less struggle in the morning.

The housework has suffered and I am doing home delivery of my groceries to save sometime. It's great to have someone do the shopping and carry them into my home! Prices are only slightly higher with the service I use and the delivery charge is only $4.95. Well worth it to me!

I have found Nursing school is many, many extra hours I did not anticipate. Demo/ pass-offs in skill labs are not built into our schedule. We have already had our first exam and I'm getting ready for my next one. I make a study guide for each Unit (basically type my notes & pull from books.) Then when it is time for mid-terms and finals, I will have a nice study guide for each unit. Just trying to prepare ahead.

Unfortunately, I have cut done my visits to allnurses, but still try to stop by a few times each week for this forum!

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