Published Sep 30, 2015
19 Posts
Will someone please explain to me the difference between drainage present or shadowing present on a surgical dressing? My facility offers both descriptions to choose from for charting and I couldn't find anything helpful on Google.
Thanks so much!
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,399 Posts
I have never used the term shadowing related to dressings, and I have been at it 43+ years...
i did did do extensive Google search......and found as you, not a lot....
but out when I really got into a couple links.....I came across, the biological dressings, that incorporate drainage into part of dressing as colloidal...wonder if that is what they mean.......
it it is not often, I haven't an idea, you ask good questions....
hopefully other will grant us some insight
icuRNmaggie, BSN, RN
1,970 Posts
A shadow of blood is common on the original surgical dressing.
Drainage refers to continued oozing of frank blood, serous or purulent fluid after the immediate post op period.
~PedsRN~, BSN, RN
826 Posts
Yes, I would consider "shadowing" to be the ability to see drainage underneath the dressing, that has not soaked through, if that makes sense. Usually seen on original surgical dressings. :)
A shadow of blood is common on the original surgical dressing. Drainage refers to continued oozing of frank blood, serous or purulent fluid after the immediate post op period.
Would it be safe to say then that shadowing is something that we would see on the original surgical dressing when the patient gets to our medsurg floor post op and drainage would be the expansion of the shadowing as the incision continues to drain?
I call the small spots of blood on the dressing, from the staples or suturing, shadowing.
Anything more than that I chart as drainage.
Thank you so much for everyone's response. Your info is much appreciated!