Published Aug 15, 2008
261 Posts
I am torn between gaining experience as a new NP and settling for a less than "par" job...I really feel strongly about working for a doctor that shares most of my morales and values regarding healthcare i.e. quality over quantity. There is a huge group that owns 1/2 of the county in my county and they see like 50 pts a day and are not thorough at all. So my question is it is ok to hold out for a job that I feel good about rather than taking a job for experience? i grad. in May and am feeling a little pressured to get a job but dont want to compromise...
Joan Z
121 Posts
As with all jobs, you need to weigh the pros and cons of all the alternatives, including supporting yourself (and possibly a family), the activities involved, and the fit ("morals and values") of the place. You have a while to go before you graduate, why not try for clinical time at all of the possible alternatives? You don't say if you've been offered a position at the wal-martish place or if there is some time deadline involved. Why not check out the options?
thanks joan, i guess i didn't make myself clear. i graduated in may 08.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I graduated in May 06 - there were few jobs and my first job (where I still am 2 years later) was not my ideal job. However, I have learned so much and it is definitely an ethical practice. Also - I'm now 2 years out and taking a part time ER job (where they want me to go fulltimeASAP) and hope this works to FT. So, what I'm getting at is that your first job is somewhere to gain some practical experience and learn. You don't need to stay there forever. Good luck with whatever you decide.
474 Posts
I would say that you should listen to that little internal voice that is telling you that this is not the right place for you to start your practice.
Ask yourself what is the worst thing that will happen if you don't take this job. That you would have to take another? Or that you would have to wait? Or that you would have to move? Or work in some other capacity for a while?
It sounds like you have reasons for starting a job as soon as you graduate. but if you think they don't do good work, then what would you gain by working there?
28 Posts
Our first job isnt always our last--I had a bad experience with my first job out of NP program. I was so disappointed. My clinical advisor stayed in contact with me my first yr out--so that was what she said to me when I told her how disappointed I was. I stayed 8 months...but chalked it up to great clinical experience. I was no longer a new grad without any NP experience which helped me in my next job hunt endeavor. It ended up being a successful interview~have been at the job x 3 yrs now. Good luck.