Senior Student Dilemma


This is a dilemma that I would love TRUE feedback on...I failed a nursing class by 1.5 points. Its NO WAY I can retake the class because the program is being dismissed after our class graduates. (We are the last class). If I transferred to another school, I would have to start the program from the beginning which would take 2-3 extra years for me to graduate. Im suppose to graduate in semester I only have 2 more classes to take then I would be done. (Cant take them without the class I failed)...

What should be done about this?? What do you think the options should be? Should there be an exception since the program is closing?

This will really leave me in the biggest hole EVER if this isn't fixed =( Please give me feedback. Thank you!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

There are distance-based programs that will accept and allow you to transfer all credits that you have earned for advanced placement. For example, Excelsior College admits all students who have completed at least one-half of a regular nursing program, as long as this occurrence took place within the last 5 years. Also, the University of Phoenix has a similar plan for matriculation of nursing students.

What type of degree will I get out of this? ADN? BSN? I'm currently in a BSN program now...

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
What type of degree will I get out of this? ADN? BSN? I'm currently in a BSN program now...
Excelsior offers both ADN and BSN programs that can be completed at a distance. All of their nursing programs are accredited by the NLN.

Contact them at

Thank you. I'm about to look into it now.:specs:

Specializes in UR, oncology, L&D, IVTherapy.

Wow! No way you can take the course c0ncurrently with your last classes? Have you approached the prof of your failed class? I failed aclass my very last term - my prof allowed me me to do a paper. It was chosen by the prof and I had only a tiny bit of time to do it. He did not offer this to me - I had to pitch it real hard with real passion and real tears. Best of luck - I truly feel your pain

I have tried everything I could with the faculty...but they are not trying to listen. It was an 8 wk OB class so im sure they can do something to help me out but obviously they do not care. All of this over 1.5 points. =( Im in the process of appealing it now with the Dean of the College because the Chair of our department doesn't care either. Its definitely a struggle!! I will get through it tho. Thank you for your response! =)

Specializes in Telemetry.

Hmmm....this is so sad. Maybe you need to speak to them everyday, beg them to give you a chance. I feel your pain it is very devastating.

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