Updated: Feb 15, 2023 Published Dec 31, 2022
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,202 Posts
So I started having a very annoying dry cough December 23, Five days after I returned from France. My Doctor thinks I may have caught it there despite being fully vaccinated with three boosters. No fever just fatigue and this cough. So it was last Wednesday that my doctor decided to test me and low and behold I have Covid.
My Asberber's husband is Covid Paranoid and I really don't want to tell though I may have to. He tests himself once a week anyway. I just don't need the nagging right now when all I want to do is sleep, watch TV and sleep. Right now he thinks I have this flu that's going around.
15,334 Posts
Is there value in keeping this secret? I would encourage you to tell your spouse.
Im feeling much better now and yes there was some value in not telling my husband. While he is smartest person I know it's still incredibly difficult to live with a high functioning autistic. He can have meltdowns of epic proportions. When I had Covid in the beginning I had to take my cloths off before entering the main house, then stand naked under a UV light with my arms out for a full 350 turn. Then get in the shower and wash. Finally I could dry off then enter the house. It was tiresome and I just wasn't in the mood.
4 Articles; 2,537 Posts
hppygr8ful said: Im feeling much better
Im feeling much better
Glad that you are feeling better. I have heard of more people with the newer strains of COVID that have managed to have it in their household, but not transmit to anyone else. I hope that your husband avoided getting it and I can understand your reasoning in keeping it to yourself.
hppygr8ful said: Im feeling much better now and yes there was some value in not telling my husband. While he is smartest person I know it's still incredibly difficult to live with a high functioning autistic. He can have meltdowns of epic proportions. When I had Covid in the beginning I had to take my cloths off before entering the main house, then stand naked under a UV light with my arms out for a full 350 turn. Then get in the shower and wash. Finally I could dry off then enter the house. It was tiresome and I just wasn't in the mood.
Sounds like you got this...I hope this us shirt lived.