Published Nov 16, 2005
1 Post
I'm looking for information concerning the scope of practice for LPNs in Michigan. The laws are very vague . . . "delegated by the RN". Is there a list of guidelines for LPNs?
What about medications? Are there any meds that only an RN should administer?
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
i'm looking for information concerning the scope of practice for lpns in michigan. the laws are very vague . . . "delegated by the rn". is there a list of guidelines for lpns? what about medications? are there any meds that only an rn should administer?
what about medications? are there any meds that only an rn should administer?
hello, tdj and welcome to
you might find something here:
i will move your thread to the mi forum.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Essentially all IV medications in Mi need to be given by an RN. There are actually lists of what is approved and what is not approved. You can contact the BON directly for the list.