School and Work


I'm starting an intensive nursing program this January (6 consecutive semesters with 2 weeks break in between for a total of 2 years) and I was wondering if it's possible to hold down a part-time job while in nursing school?

I currently work 17.5 hours a week as a receptionist at a veterinary clinic. It's not a terribly busy clinic and I can see myself being able to glance at my textbooks when it's quiet, but I want to get good grades and I'm sure it's only going to get harder as the program goes on.


Specializes in geriatrics, dementia, ortho.

I'm doing it, because I have to, financially. I'm taking 13 credits, it's my first quarter in my ADN program. And I work 24 hours per week at the hospital as a CNA, two 12 hour shifts every weekend. It's possible but difficult. Good luck!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I worked 32 hours per week as an LPN/LVN while attending an LPN-to-ASN completion program. I worked weekend double shifts every Saturday and Sunday, which allowed me to have Monday through Friday off to deal with school.

I work 32 hours per week as a night shift CNA, as well as go to an Accelerated BSN program (although mine is a total of 9 semesters, no breaks for a total of 3 years) and I can tell you it is brutal. If you want to work at the same time, you are really going to have to commit to your classes. If you can financially manage not working, then don't. But if you must, just know that you will have a lot of late nights, and it will be rough, but if you commit you can do it!

I am currently in my 4th of a 5 semester program and work 32 hours a week with a Mon-Friday job at a bank. You just have to be flexible and do what you have to do.

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