School Nurse Sub


I am a new nurse and would some day love to pursue school nursing. I've thought about being a substitute school nurse now just to get some school nurse experience. I don't really have a lot of time to sub since I am already working full time but I'm going to try to do it as often as I can. Has anyone else started this way? :nurse:

nope new rn here also.................. just jumped right in. going wonderful. luv it!

Specializes in School Nursing.

working as a school nurse sub is the best way to get a foot in the door. the only thing would be that you would need to be available when they call you. if you already work full time, and have to tell them no when they call and ask you to sub, that would work against you.

if they know you work full time elswhere, you may never get called. just saying......

praiser :heartbeat

I agree with Praiser because you have to be flexible. However, you could always let them know the days that you could work. Hope it works out for you. It is a great job- I started out subbing.

Thanks for all the feedback. The school that I am subbing for has an automated calling service that calls all the subs on the list and you can accept or decline according to your schedule. Sounds really flexible. They also know that I do have another job and they said that most of their subs have other jobs.

Specializes in OB/GYN, Peds, School Nurse, DD.

If you have room in your schedule, i say go for it! Subbing is a great way to dip your foot in the pool. School nursing can be fantastic--if you love it. Not everybody does. Some nurses really miss the fast pace and drama of working the floor. Most of my days are not exciting, but I'm busy all day with routine meds, a tube feeding, a very young (& clueless) diabetic, plus all the boo-boos, lost teeth, stomachaches, and ear infections that little kids have. Once in awhile I have a more serious situation (like, child abuse or broken bone) which takes more time and concentration. I love working in the small elmemtary school I'm in. But I really hated the last school--huge, dangerous, chaotic, threatening. I burned out and thought I'd never want to work as a nurse again. Finding the right situation makes all the difference.

I definitely would recommend you try it. If you hate it, you don't have to do it again. But if it works for you, then you might have a leg up on the competition when hiring time comes, because they already know you and your work. I found my current job by accident: I ran into an old friend one day, hadn't see her in years. Got all caught up, I told her I was between jobs, last worked as a school nurse. Well, she happened to be trying to find a school nurse for a local school. I sent her my resume and the rest is history. sometimes it's not what you know, it's who you know.:nurse:

Another way to get your foot in the door is through doing early childhood screening. SOme states have extensive screening prior to Kindergarten and it is great way to meet the people doing the hiring.

Another strategy would be volunteering for vision and hearing screenings.

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