school admission advice

Nursing Students General Students


Hello all,

I'm a 31 y.o. ex- corporate world paper pusher who has decided to finally follow his interest in the health field and become a nurse.

I already have a BA in Information Science and would be taking my pre-reqs to apply for a 2nd BSN or accelerated BSN program. Since my prior Bachelors didn't require many natural sciences, I get to do all of them (yippee!).

Here is my problem: Even though I graduated, I wasn't the best student in the world. In fact, I barely made it across the stage to grab my diploma before they thought the better of it (and pulled a Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown bit). Come to think of it, I think there may have been a couple of chimpanzees who were higher ranked in my class than I was.

My question is: how much of a challenge is it going to be for me to get in to a program? I'd prefer to get into an accelerated BSN program but will happily settle for a two year BSN one. I intend to go to community school to take A&P I and II, Chem w/ lab, Micro w/lab, etc. I have talked to some of the admissions people for these programs and they have said that they will take a look at the whole picture and not just my previous GPA. Obviously my results of my pre-req courses will count too. I'd like to get other's suggestions on how to maximize my chances in getting in. As an adult, I'm much more serious about my studies than I was back then in college! Although, I will definitely cherish my college memories.

Thanks for any advice you can give! A new forum member,


Be sure to get all As in your pre-reqs. I talked with an advisor for an accelerated BSN program, and she liked the fact that my college transcripts showed an upward curve toward the end of my college years, despite having receiving one D. I, too, was nervous going back to school after 5 years of stepping foot in a classroom, but I found my comm. college courses extremely easy. A&P is a lot of information, but it's just straight memorization. You should do fine!

good luck!! :cool:

No advice just wanted to say welcome and good luck to you!

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