Published Oct 12, 2012
2 Posts
I am looking at changing our schedule from every other week end to a every third weekend schedule. Does anyone out there work this type of schedule and care to share some details with me?
2,453 Posts
Well, if you work every other weekend, then half of all weekends you will go to work.
If you work every third weekend, then you will go to work every third weekend.
Every third weekend is better, as you will have 2 out of three weekends off.
I hope that helps.
hiddencatRN, BSN, RN
3,408 Posts
Do you really?
Thanks for the obvious! I would like to see how a months worth of scheduling looks like. I ave several nurses that onl work weekends and would like to explore the possibility of letting the full time staff have 2 week ends off in a row.
emtb2rn, BSN, RN, EMT-B
2,942 Posts
Have you tried filling out a schedule with just the weekend only rns input, then filling in around them? I think your thought of several months view is good, as the weekends on will be much more spread out. We've been casually looking at this too. Without much success.
Good luck.