SCCC trouble?


Has anyone had any trouble w/ the nursing programs at SCCC?

I had a negative experience and was wondering if anyone had any advice

Specializes in Telemetry, Med-Surg.

I am in my second year and no I have not. What kind of advice are you looking for? Can you be a little more specific?

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

Worked with a recent graduate of SCCC and don't recall hearing anything negative, nor reading much negative on these boards.

It would be helpful to know what kind of issues you are/were having?

i have. The admissions process in general si rediculous. Although this doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the program, it is a big comlaint of people at the school. Program wise here is my vent: They will flunk people out that feel will not pass the exam and bring down their passing rate. I failed out of the LPn program there for something really stupid. I was even told when i was told i had failed, that if my lecture grade had been higher that they wouldn't have failed me out of the program. The LPN program is full of people who failed out of the nursing program and can't wait another year to maybe get in again. The all say the same thing i have. The program it self i don't agree with either. The do not teach you things in the lab section. You are supposed to come in and study on your own. This would be fine except they never have a class time where you go in and they go over things for the lab that week. You have to go up on your own time and teach it to yourself. There are instructors in there but normally there was only one or two. You are never able to get help because at one time there are frist and second year rn students, first and second year LPN students and the cna students. It was rediculous and they don't listen when you have problems! The school itself if a joke also. The do the same thing. They treat most people like high school kids ( i'm talking about the college, not the nursing school!) Well that is my opinion and it won't be everyones. help i helped in some way! lol

I am a second yr student in the rn program at SCC and I think it is an excellent program. Yes, there are many students who do don't make it through the program but it's for a reason. Nurses have to be able to make make critical life-saving decisions and I feel the program has to be difficult and it takes the right individuals to make it through.

I agree that nurses need to make life threatening decisions, but that does not mean that I person should be failed out when tthe school doesn't even help them study for test outs. I can assure you that I understand the RN program works differently than the LPN program I was in, But what was done to many of those girls is rediculous. There was a girl that failed out of the RN program and went on to the LPN program and passed with flying colors. That doesn't make sense since the lpn prorgram and the RN only have a difference of RN learnign how to start iv's.

I agree that nurses need to make life threatening decisions, but that does not mean that I person should be failed out when tthe school doesn't even help them study for test outs. I can assure you that I understand the RN program works differently than the LPN program I was in, But what was done to many of those girls is rediculous. There was a girl that failed out of the RN program and went on to the LPN program and passed with flying colors. That doesn't make sense since the lpn prorgram and the RN only have a difference of RN learnign how to start iv's.

When I was in the LPN program a few years ago, there was a lab "class" to teach us what the lab requirements were, but then it was our responsibility to find more time outside of that to go in and practice. There was a schedule showing when there was always at least one lab instructor to assist us. Yes, there were times that she was very busy, but we also learned to work together as a team to help each other and practice together. I cannot answer about the RN program, but again I feel the need to emphasize that we had to take the responsibility to make the time to practice on our own.

Also, I do know there are significant differences between the RN and LPN programs, and the time line is 13 months vs 2 years, but IV certification is NOT one of them - LPN's are IV certified at SCCC.

sorry i mean starting IV lines. When i was in the program in 2008, our lab time was only used to test outs. There was never a specificteacher in their every time that week to teach us what we needed to know. Everything had to be done on your own time.

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