Published Oct 6, 2005
154 Posts
Last night we were informed of the unexpected death of one of our charge nurses. He was only 27 years old and was on a mission trip in Haiti to help build a medical clinic there. After a long hike he collapsed and they were not able to revive him. This has devestated our entire department. We deal with suffering and death on a daily basis and we deal with it, but when it is one of your own and they are so young with so much ahead of them it is heartbreaking. Any way sorry to be such a downer but our whole ER needs some prayers and I thought you guys were the perfect ones to ask.
gr8rnpjt, RN
738 Posts
unexpected death Hugs and prayers all around. :icon_hug:
Hugs and prayers all around. :icon_hug:
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
Hello, nursejennie,:icon_hug:
I will most definitely keep your ER in my prayers. I will especially say a prayer for this young mans' family and you.
jnette, ASN, EMT-I
4,388 Posts
So VERY sorry to hear of your loss, Jennie.
That is truly tragic. I can well imagine how all of you must feel... not to mention his family and loved ones. Will keep all of you and them in my prayers for comfort, confidence, and peace.
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,579 Posts
I'm so sorry to hear of this man's death; I know losing a strong colleague who happens to be a good person to boot, is so hard. Will remember you and the dept in my prayers.
1,987 Posts
I'm so sorry to hear of this Jennie. I will keep you and your coworkers in my thoughts and prayers as you all work through this. ((hugs))