Saunders CD

Nursing Students NCLEX


What do you think about using Saunder CD (from the Saunders fourth edition) to prepare for NCLEX?

I just finished an assesment mode and I scored 76% and I'm printing out my calendar study plan.I didnt find these questions particularly challenging,what do you guys think is the level of those questions way too easy? Any how I will use the calendar to enhance my studing for the dreaded NCLEX.I'm using NCLEX 3500,as well as Mosby Delegation,Prioritization book,Pharmacology Success Book and Med-Surg Success Book.Mostly I do the questions,not so much reviewing the books.I also bought NCLEX game and Anatomy build model for(I'm such a sucker for the medicine) I try to do 100-200 questions a day or ever other day and play the NCLEX game with my friends from time to time,I'm waiting for my ATI (should be ready next week) I'm planning to take my NCLEX in JULY since I feel I need to review a LOT of material,especially the meds and math (my two weak areas)

I passed Hesi without putting to much effort into it (did maybe 800 questions from NCLEX 3500 and did the whole Mosby prioritization book) however I'm freaking out about NCLEX because I feel it will be much harder than Hesi

Saunders gets a lot of support here. If you aren't going to use the book, I'd encourage you to read all the rationales (even on questions you get right).

I have mixed feelings on the difficulty. Some areas I find very difficult (pharm being the worst for me) while other areas I can breeze right through. My assessment was 66%. Not good, but I've been out of school for ten years so it's about what I expected. I've read that you should aim for about 85% on Saunders although someone recently posted they were getting 60% on Saunders and passed the NCLEX the first try.

Saunders gets a lot of support here. If you aren't going to use the book, I'd encourage you to read all the rationales (even on questions you get right).

I have mixed feelings on the difficulty. Some areas I find very difficult (pharm being the worst for me) while other areas I can breeze right through. My assessment was 66%. Not good, but I've been out of school for ten years so it's about what I expected. I've read that you should aim for about 85% on Saunders although someone recently posted they were getting 60% on Saunders and passed the NCLEX the first try.

Yeah I see what you saying.I feel that luck has to do a lot with passing those exams.I have friends from NS who studied way harder than myself and bombed Hesi twice and I think I got somewhat lucky even though I was almost sure I didnt pass the Hesi and to my very suprise I scored over 900 (I know not so great but the score open the door for to apply for NCLEX) I try to avoid being too confident since I got off easy on Hesi.I think what help to pass the Hesi (instead of luck,God) is reading the questions slowly (taking my time) and imagine myself as a nurse in those situations,after completing Mosby prioritization book I really finally understood the process of prioritizing.

I can't see buying the book and then not using the CD. For some reason I didn't check for the CD when I bought my book and when I discovered that it had been stolen, I couldn't go back to return the book because the receipt was gone.

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