SATA questions - Ugggh!!!


Specializes in Critical Care Float - ICU / ED / PACU.

ok guys - PANIC is now setting in!! I'm scheduled to take the dreaded exam in 3 wks.... One day I feel like I'm prepared, the next day I don't!! I've been doing good with most of my nclex books - but the other day I got one of those 'new format questions' books and it seemed like I missed every one of those horrible select all that apply questions - I get the majority - but forget one.....

any advice - strategies????

ANYONE??? :o

hey...i am in the same boat as u are...test is on 26th.....and i could barely get them right.....prayin and studyin...tats all we could do


On the real deal, the exam is set up so that both passers and failers get ~50% right. If you see very many select-all-that-apply, it generally means that you're doing very well, since level of difficulty is the determinant of pass/fail.

Specializes in CCU,MS,BURN OPD.
ok guys - PANIC is now setting in!! I'm scheduled to take the dreaded exam in 3 wks.... One day I feel like I'm prepared, the next day I don't!! I've been doing good with most of my nclex books - but the other day I got one of those 'new format questions' books and it seemed like I missed every one of those horrible select all that apply questions - I get the majority - but forget one.....

any advice - strategies????

ANYONE??? :o


I am also preparing for my exam everyday you have to practice Q & A especially SATA i understand what you mean its difficult but hopefully we will pass the NCLEX-RN exam be positive and KEEP THE FAITH GOODLUCK to us ill be taking in 11 days okey. GOD BLESS


Specializes in medical-surgical.


maybe eric was right, when i had my exam they all flooded (6) sata, imagine? one missed or over, then it's all wrong... stay focus and analyze each option.

i know you can do it... i'll pray for you...

practice with that type of question and you'll get through it... god bless you...

thanks for your prayers too. i just passed :)

Specializes in Critical Care Float - ICU / ED / PACU.

thanks for the suggestions guys! I'm just going to keep hacking away at it.....

jeda: CONGRATULATIONS!!~~~:balloons:

Specializes in CCU,MS,BURN OPD.

maybe eric was right, when i had my exam they all flooded (6) sata, imagine? one missed or over, then it's all wrong... stay focus and analyze each option.

i know you can do it... i'll pray for you...

practice with that type of question and you'll get through it... god bless you...

thanks for your prayers too. i just passed :)

hi je da,

congrats your a usrn now way to go


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