Published Jan 23
14 Posts
Hi everyone! I'm applying for Fall 2024 and haven't seen a forum for it. I hope we can share information with each other and also share our stats!
My Stats:
Big 8 GPA: 4.0
TEAS: 89.3 (2nd attempt)
Finished 3 Co-Reqs
200+ hours of hospital volunteering
Just wondering if I have a solid chance of getting admitted?
22 Posts
Hi there!
Thanks for making this post.
I have a 4.0, healthcare experience, 88 TEAS (first attempt), and will have my last 2 coreqs finished by Spring 24 .
I will likely end up retaking the TEAS as much as I don't want to ?
1 Post
Hi! Thanks for the post :3
- 4.0 GPA
- 93.3 TEAS
- healthcare experience (CNA)
- finished 3 coreqs
Hoping for the best for all of us!! We can do it ?
Yen Tran
2 Posts
- 95.3 TEAS
- Co-req finished
Good luck everyone.
My Stats
- 90.7 TEAS
- Finished the 3 co-reqs
Good luck!
My stats:
4.0 GPA
89.3 TEAS
my coreqs are in progress but I will finish this Winter quarter, should I consider retaking the TEAS ?
My stats
3.89 GPA
86.7 TEAS
- Co-reqs
- First Gen
Best of luck! Hope to see y'all in the fall ❤️
Sup, My Stats: -4.0 pre-req GPA -85.3 TEAS -Finished co-reqs Good luck everyone!!
baloney004, CNA
10 Posts
- 4.0 overall GPA
- 95.3 GPA
- bilingual
- 250 + CNA hours
- finished all co-reqs
Sargun Dhillon
3 Posts
Hey Guys,
By 4.0, do you guys count A-. Like by 4.0 are you saying you have all As and A-s or would an A- be factored into your GPA and lower it by a few points to 3.9? Because I have all As and one A- making my GPA 3.96.
Also, does your Overall GPA get factored into your impaction score at all and if so by how much?
3.9 pre-req GPA
84.7 TEAS
Finished all co-reqs
200+ hours hospital volunteer experience
Good luck everyone, we got this!
11 Posts
4.0 pre-req GPA
90.0 TEAS
Good luck everyone. Please keep posting updates throughout. We all will get in ?