San Joaquin Community Hospital New Grad Versant 2015

Nurses Job Hunt


Hello all!

I just wanted to start a thread for all of the new grads that were accepted into the RN Versant program at San Joaquin Community Hospital. Congrats to all of us!! I am hoping to get to know some of my fellow coworkers before the program starts in August

Congratulations!!! Do you mind sharing what the new grad salary is there?

Thank you! Salary is between 30-35/hr.

Congratulations everyone! Can anyone tell me how long the contract is, is it two or three years? I am applying to the next cohort in October :)

It is a 3 yr contract

RunonFaith, I have accepted my position in the program! Sorry for such a late response. I've been focusing on studying for the nclex and I just found out I passed!!!

Have you gone through orientation yet?

Yay!!!í ½í¸†í ½í¸† congrats on passing! Such a huge relief. Now u can breathe. I haven't gone through orientation yet but it's scheduled for August 17-21. What about you?

Thanks!!! The hardest part was definitely waiting for my license to post but good thing it only took 48 hours í ½í¸ƒ

I'll be going through orientation from August 3-7th. The lady from HR that I spoke to said they have several orientation sessions.

Yes that is the hard part, it feels worse than the test itself. Lol! But yes they do a few orientation sessions but since I have vacations and am not scheduled to move down there until Aug 8 that was the best option for me. We will meet soon í ½í¸† let me know how orientation goes

Hey, for those who were in the SJCH new grad program last year, can you share your experience about the culture of the hospital and how you like it or not. Is there adequate/safe staffing, are you asked to stay overtime, do the experienced nurses support and encourage you while you are learning, is it a cut-throat environment? I am from San Francisco and will be applying to the Fall 2016 new grad program so I wanted to get a sense of how things are down there. Thanks!

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