San Jacinto College ADN Spring 2019


Anyone else applying to San Jac Spring 2019? Application dates are August 6, 2018 - October 8, 2018.

My rubric is currently 17 but I am in the middle of APII and taking Micro in the fall; that's an additional 2-6 points. HESI is 90.4.

Did any of you guys went to the information session any time this week? I went today. And I was a bit confused whether the Critical thinking and learning style portion is required or not. I asked if it was and she said not to worry about it. But on the PowerPoint it said it was required. If appreciate it if anyone let's me know (:

Critical Thinking and Learning Style are required but they don't get graded. They are used to understand the student better and does not count towards your Rubric.

Have you taken the HESI? Everything you need to take is on the computer screen automatically.

I couldn't make any info sessions, so I hope I am doing everything right.

I have taken the hesi under the UT Health code and I wasn't required to take critical thinking. But I signed up to retake it with critical thinking at HBU on August 24th. I'm hoping that learning styles will be on the computer screen when I take the hesi. And the main thing you should take care of asap is your immunizations. If you still haven't gottten your Hep B get it soon. PLS gives the shots and titers for a low price compared to other clinics.

Here is the link: Healthcare Students | Houston Drug and Alcohol Testing

And thank you for replying.

IAmNurseMel, for your TB test did you have to do the 1-step or 2-step?

The San Jac immunization FAQ says this:

"TB Skin Test (results must show date administered and date read with results)"

but CastleBranch FAQs mentions a 2-step test.

IAmNurseMel, for your TB test did you have to do the 1-step or 2-step?

The San Jac immunization FAQ says this:

"TB Skin Test (results must show date administered and date read with results)"

but CastleBranch FAQs mentions a 2-step test.

The north campus only required a 1-step TB skin test; so, I only uploaded one into CastleBranch.

I am applying as well. I completed AP II last week and am taking Micro in the fall. Do you know how San Jac scores classes that are in progress?

I am applying as well. I completed AP II last week and am taking Micro in the fall. Do you know how San Jac scores classes that are in progress?

Classes that are in progress are not included in your initial score. I believe once you complete the class and resubmit your transcript, the class will be included but your score will not change. Your score remains what it was at the time the application was submitted. But right quote me on that!

My rubric score is a 23

hesi score is a 92.2 it's kind of low but I made a100% on the anatomy section so hopefully that helps. Still really nervous about getting in. This is my first time applying!!

Did you take the learning style things on the Hesi? I didnt take it bc I didn't see it on the rubric, just the 5 graded sections. Do you think I would have to retake it??

Lol rubric score 23 & you're nervous? Since when is a 92.2 HESI average low lol. I'm pretty sure you'll get in. Your stats actually have me nervous now lol.

Lol rubric score 23 & you're nervous? Since when is a 92.2 HESI average low lol. I'm pretty sure you'll get in. Your stats actually have me nervous now lol.

Well my prereq gpa is a 3.5 bc I have a c in micro. So I'm hoping my stats are high enough that they'll kind of over look it.

Did you take the learning style things on the Hesi? I didnt take it bc I didn't see it on the rubric, just the 5 graded sections. Do you think I would have to retake it??

Did you take the HESI at San Jac? All sections are pre-loaded and if you finished all sections then you took everything the program requires.

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