San Diego City College ADN Spring 2016 SDCC

U.S.A. California


Hello everyone,

I am starting a new thread for those of us that applied to San Diego City College for the SPRING 2016 ADN program. The deadline is December 1, 2015. Please post on here if you get anything from them via email or mail or telephone. Also, post your total points you added up from the Multi-Criteria Grid so we can see point averages and get an idea who actually gets in and how many points they had. So excited to hear something! Good luck everyone! ;)

Anyone purchase the required textbook for the class? Where did you find the cheaper books

Jan 28th she said is a meet and greet with free lunch and so since she said please attend I'm just going to go... I will update you all if you miss anything... I had to switch my internship shift at the hospital so I am going to just go since I can't change it

Hello fellow classmates; Congratulations to everyone! I made it in to the second orientation class. I acquired the 3 books for class on Amazon. A couple of them are rentals and the other one was cheaper just to buy. I'm not real savvy with social media so I was going to ask if anyone on here was interested in creating a "San Diego City College Nurses: Class of 2018" page on FB. Looking forward to meeting you all :)

Hello future classmates can anybody attending the first session post the list of required books we need for the program and any info you found helpful

Does anybody know the actual start date for the Fall. Some old post on here says we actually start two weeks earlier each semester


Hey guys, I live in the SF Bay Area right now. I need to rent a room for about 2.5 months for the second orientation class that starts in mid March. If you guys are in similar situation or know someone who is renting, please let me know. My personal email is zaya818@yahoo. com

Do we need the books for the 1 unit class I'm still waiting on Sdsu and Csusm thought this class was just familiarizing us with nursing not so much testing us. It's only a pass fail course with 1 unit three books seem a little too much

I loved the class. At SDCC we would only be taking 10 credits. So if you expect to only be doing 10 credits of "normal" work, perhaps nursing isn't for you? I don't mean to be rude, but nursing ciriculum is difficult. You will have math tests out of the calculations book, write a paper based on the APA book, and will have one test based on the success book. You probably wouldn't need the success book, but it's a great book to learn from and increase your critical thinking.

Ad as someone who is in a lot of school loan debt, I highly suggest doing what costs the least money. Why one wouldn't start at a community college and use their bridge program to graduate from the college that costs more anyways, is beyond me.

All, I have created a Facebook Group for the SDCC Nursing Class of 2018!!!

Search for SDCC Nursing Class of 2018

*** Note - I keep attempting to post the link but this site is converting it. The link does work.

Congratulations to all!

The program doesn't start until fall and they are requiring a class that no one else requires. I have no problem with the program being challenged I have a 4.0 and nothing this far has been challenging to me. Also I know people who are alternates so it would be a waste of their time to do all this work and not even get into the program.

I was just asking about the books because I don't want to pay for them and end up going to a bachelors program . Honestly I know this route is cheaper but I've heard a lot of people comment about how the dean has left and how the school is unorganized and how the students felt like they weren't equipped well enough like the other students from other programs. I'll just wait for the first day and see if maybe I can use books from the library ! I'm hoping I hear back soon from SDSU as I know people that have been denied for the nursing program and my status is still pending ! Thanks!

I'm a pretty big tightwad so for books I did rentals for the moment and then I also surfed eBay and Amazon for the cheapest books I could find (relevant to the class, of course). I'll fine-tune my books as I go... but I figure this is the cheapest for now :)

And THANK YOU to the person who started the FB class page; sadly, I am unable to find the page. I will try again tomorrow; perhaps it's just taking awhile to establish the link.

Looking forward to meeting you all. I am registered for the 2nd orientation class.


Why attend a program your already bad mouthing? If that's how you really feel you should give up your seat for those that actual want to attend, I'm sure the students on the waiting list will gladly take your seat


im not bad mouthing the program I'm asking if anyone has heard anything about the program because when I went in to the nursing program floor a girl from the program pulled my friend and I aside and told us not to be in the program because it was horrible so it is making me nervous I want to be in a program that I will learn so that is discouraging me I'm sure of that happened to you as well you would question the program too

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