San Antonio College Spring 2011


Hello all. I just applied to Sac's ADN program for the Spring. Has anyone else applied as well? I was just wondering if you have all of your pre reqs? I still have Micro and Chem to take, and I am in A&P 2 right now. I am a little worried that I won't get in because I don't have all of my pre reqs done, but I do have a 4.0 GPA. Does anyone know if it is still possible to get in? Thank you!! ;)

They will probably take you If you do as well on those two as the rest. You might be pushing the line though. It is always possible to get in. keep pestering admissions till after the first day. I would and have showed up to full classes and booted out a student who blew off the first day because I showed up and the Professor liked the motivation. What is the worst that can happen? They might ask you to leave or you might get to see one of the professors in action in advance. If you do pop into class that is full make sure that you thank the Professor for opportunity to observe the session.

I went to SAC's informative session and have spoken to the nursing advisor, and from what I was told SAC goes by a point system. Since you don't have Chem, Micro, and have not completed anatomy 2402 you don't get all of the points. Most people that get in have already completed all pre-reqs.

I am applying for spring 2011 in SAC but i wanted to know when n how do we know that we got accepted and also how does the selection go in SAC since im currently enrolled in Dallas community its hard for me to go in person over there and attend the information session. I would really appreciate if someone would answer my question..



They will either email you or send you something in the mail to let you know if you are accepted. It will most likely be around November before you will hear anything. You can always go to SACs nursing website to see how they make their selections. It is based on GPA and how many pre reqs you have completed. The website is really helpful though.

Thanks abs382.

I have all my pre reqs done with almost all of my co reqs too, you think i have chances to get in spring 2011? or is it really competitive in SAC?

I think you have a really good chance of getting in. I applied for the spring, but I do not have all of my science classes completed. I am hoping that my GPA and some extra classes that I have taken might help get me in! I know that SAC is really competitive, so the higher the GPA and the more pre reqs that you have...the better. :)

I am really hoping to get into the program*fingers crossed* since i am an international student, I have to take 12 credit hours every semester so even if i am done with all my co-reqs i still have to keep taking classes to be in status which sucks because tuition is killing me :mad:

I am currently attending SAC and hoping to apply for the Fall 2011 nursing program. If you go to their Nursing Dept website it will tell you what you need to get in. The only classes that count are the required classes for the nursing program and your GPA in those classes. All other classes don't count towards the GPA. They go by a point system and the more prereqs done the more points you get. Since you don't have any of your Science courses done it might be tough to get in.

I applied also. Attending NVC currently. I only lack Micro and Intro Chem but have every other non nursing course finished. Let me know when you find out. Good luck!



I will definitely let you know if I get in or not. Let me know as soon as you find out as well. Good Luck!:)

I just found out Tuesday that I got in!!! I am so excited. Now I just have to sort through all this paper work.

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