Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

Nursing Students SRNA


hello all, 

wanted to start a thread for those of us applying to SM's CRNA program this year for 2021! 

Mine felt like it went by really quickly-- only 20 minutes. I didn't get to talk about all the things I had prepped but overall the panel are very friendly and engaging.

Specializes in CCRN, TCRN, TNCC.

@Alison Caprile were they typical personality interview questions? how many were on the panel?

I got a couple clinical questions with a few others.  Time flew by quick.  I just felt that I didn’t answer the way I should have looking back and feel pretty bummed about it.  Glad it’s over 

Specializes in Icu.


I'd say they were pretty standard questions.  I want to say there were 8+ people. But I honestly forget because they only pop up one at a time. LOL

Specializes in CCRN, TCRN, TNCC.

@NCVICU did they ask you clinical questions too? 

Specializes in CCRN, TCRN, TNCC.

@maspropofol wow I thought it was completely a personality based interview... im surprised you got clinical questions... 

Specializes in Icu.

I think if you bring something clinical up they might ask you about it. Like vent modes or what your typical pt is. Like if you mention your pt's have bolts it may be a good idea to know how they work. Hopefully, that makes sense. I had my retina tacked back in place today and can barely see my keyboard.  LOL

Specializes in CCRN, TCRN, TNCC.

@NCVICU I hope your eye is okay, that sounds terrifying LOL

Hi everyone! I am interested in this school’s CRNA program and just wondering how competitive my GPA stats are:

Last 90 quarter units: 3.59

Cumulative: 3.38

Science: 3.0

Specializes in Icu.


I think you should apply! The worst they can say is no and then you reapply knowing where to focus. Your cumulative is higher than mine and I was offered an interview.  They look at everything- years of experience, and acuity of ICU, leadership, committees, if you charge, and all that jazz. GPA trends are important as well. How many years of experience do you have?

My science GPA was sub 3.0 and I brought it up by retaking 4 science courses.  I'd recommend retaking some science courses to be competitive. 

Specializes in CCRN, TCRN, TNCC.

@BRN_Sugar samuel merrit is well known to look at the applicant holistically. I would definitely raise your GPA but don't let that deter you from applying. like @NCVICU said, they look at everything, you can be stronger in other areas 

Specializes in CTICU.

I also had my interview yesterday! It was the most nervous I have felt in a long time! I'm glad that it is done and over with. My interview was also only personality based I had no clinical questions. Good luck to all of you who are left to interview ?

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