Samuel Merritt BSN Spring 2023

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Hey! Yes I am!

Awesome! I haven’t heard anything about this cohort yet. And applications are due soon…

Hey I am as well! Did you guys submit your applications yet? 

Hi guys I am also applying to this term ! I wondering how many people are applying to this cohort !! did anyone do the nursing success seminar that was hosted this Summer ?

Good question……. This forum seems to be very ‘inactive’ compared to others.

is there another forum for this cohort. 

I attended the seminar, I was actually wondering if we were going to be able to get the certificates in time before the deadline but I guess not. 

@Luis0801 I thought the same ! but I didn’t get mine either did you submit your application yet ? 

@Pk4321 I reached out to ------------------------- & she said just input the dates we attended and check off where it says if we did or not & that should be okay!

I was waiting on the certificate but I'm turning mine in today hbu?

Hello, I am also applying. I just submitted my application last week.

I've applied too and it says my application is verified

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