Saint Louis College of Health Careers


I'm looking to get into the medical field. I won't be attending school until next year to start my pre-req for nursing. In the mean while I'm looking to get some opinions about the Saint Louis College of Health Careers Patient Care Tech Program. Is the program worth 14K. Does anyone know anyone about this program that can give me any feedback about the school or the program

Thank You


I would not in a million years pay 14k for that program. I graduated from the Medical Assisting program and still regret paying that amount of money. Some of the hospitals in the St. Louis area will pay you while they train you to become a pct. I am going through the process right now. I had an interview last week at St.John's Mercy and Tuesday I will be shadowing someone to see if it is still something I want to do. They put you through six weeks of paid training then put you to work. Training starts in Oct. I'm not sure if they're still taking applications. I know that Mo Bap and St. Anthony's have classes too.

Thank you angielynn for your comment. I contacted a hospital last week but they where short on the phones. I'm going to give them a call again on Tuesday...HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY


I don't think something like that is worth the money. You will never make enough money to really be able to make it worth it. I also have a friend who is doing that same as Angie. She is taking the classes through the hospital. I wouldn't spend the money on trying to get this certificate through them when you can do it for minimal money and still be guranteed a job!

Specializes in NICU, High-Risk L&D, IBCLC.

Not in a million years. As previous posters have suggested, hospitals will train you to be a PCT free of charge AND give you a paycheck while you train! Why anyone would even suggest pay 14K for this type of training is beyond me. These schools are such scams.

sounds like a lot of money. Be careful with their contracts.


I also graduated from ST. Louis College Health Careers and i regret paying that much also. I have applied for pt associate pt at St. John's and I can't even get an interview despite having a BS in Community Health from U of IL and a diploma in medical assisting. I did work in hospital previously sometime ago. I am going to start as a volunteer at St. Louis Children's , i hope that may help. I start nursing program next fall at another university.

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