Sac State Fall 2013 Applicants

U.S.A. California


Hello Everyone,

I am about to send in my application to CSU Sacramento for Fall 13 and was wondering if there are any other people in the same predicament. Would love love to hear your experiences as well.

Exactly. In my first and second years, I remember constantly thinking wow it's so competitive what if I don't get in. And also thinking, am I good enough or smart enough to do it. Well here I am in the last stretch and I'll find out in April or may if I really did do it. Congrats on getting that app complete! Now all you have to do is wait.

As far as physiology, I am a bit burnt out. The semester just started, but I spent the last 3 weeks of my break studying for the teas, so I really was not ready for the semester to start. But I will get through it.

I know that sac state requires all students to take 3 upper division courses in order to graduate. I have heard that some of the courses in the nursing curriculum will qualify, but I can't be positive. And if that is true, I'm not sure how many. Actually since I know how to maneuver the sac state website I'd be happy to do some research on that if you'd like. Are you transferring from a community college?

That's very nice of you Nurseinthemaking20..thank you!! I am not too familiar with the system yet. As per physiology, just hang in there..the battle is almost over...Is that the only prereq you are taking?

Hi Rafaeia...I hear's quite a nerve wrecking experience, but we will all pull through. I have been holding on to my Supplemental Application package for a few days now. Anyway, I hope you get the language points because every little point counts...

Wanisai- it is no problem at all. It seems a lot of applicants will be transfer students, and since I'm a sac state student I don't mind helping out with questions.

Well I did some research. I already knew that as a graduation requirement we must all complete 3 upper division GE. If you are coming from a university than you might have already fulfilled this requirement. If you are coming from a community college then you havnt. We also have what is called the writing intensive requirement, we have a foreign language requirement. And a race and ethnicity requirement. The writing intensive requirement is a requirement requiring you to take a class that is, well it's self explanatory, writing intensive. Then there's the foreign language requirement in which you have to have taken at least two semesters of a college foreign language. I believe you can surpass this by taking a test or if you took I think 4 years in high school. If you took at least two years in high school you can skip the 1st semester of the language and go straight into the 2nd semester. Then the race and ethnicity requirement is a class that involves learning about some culture, ethnicity, or race etc. Also, these things can overlap. You don't necessarily need to take one class for all these requirements. So for instance you need three upper division GE right? Well one of those GE can be writing intensive and one can be race and ethnicity. Now, I looked up the nursing program curriculum and there is one class that counts as an upper division GE and it also counts for writing intensive. So that means that you must worry about two extra classes to take aside from your nursing classes. They have to be upper division GE and one has to satisfy the race ethnicity requirement. Also, I should also tell you that writing intensive courses either require a prerequisite to get into it or a passing score on the WPJ. The WPJ is an exam that tests your writing ability to ensure that you can handle the writing intensive course. Also, don't forget about the foreign language requirement. Of course, you can disregard all of this info if you have already fulfilled all of these requirements.

To answer your question, I am also in pharmacology this semester.

Hey eama4444, Nurseinthemaking20 and wanisai :) Nice to meet you guys! Yes, totally think that I need to get mu language part going. xD Glad to see a bunch of us helping each other out. Let's keep each other updated.

Rafaeia- nice to meet you too! Yes I agree, let's help each other out and keep each other updated.

Sounds like a plan. Especially around late April/early May! I hope we all get in!!

We will. If anything, remember to be optimistic. When I first took my teas I was sooo nervous. I kept telling myself I'm going to miss my goal by 1 percent, and I did! Then when I went back to take it I kept telling myself I would get the score I needed and I did. So the key is to stay positive.

thank you for all the great info nurseinthemaking20. Even with those required upper level courses, we should be able to graduate on time right?

Wanisai- yes I do think you will be able to graduate on time. You may just have to take your upper classes throughout one of your semesters or during the summer.

Submitted my application last week and got a confrimation email that they received it. I have a total of 69 points. Seems like that's borderline so I will keep my fingers crossed. It cracks me up on how different schools do their point systems, for instance how SSU's is out of 112 points, whereas CSULB is out of 10. Gets kind of confusing, especially when you are applying to seven different schools. Im also applying to Chico, Stanislaus, Fresno, Bakersfield, Channel Island, and Long Beach.

You are right Nurseinthemaking20, I will do my best to stay positive!

Hi critter55! I am also applying to several schools, and I completely agree. It is kind of crazy how even within the CSU system each school has a unique point system. I guess it allows people with different strengths to get into different programs. It definitely makes things more interesting!

eama4444: Interesting Indeed. What other schools are you applying for?

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