Published Sep 28, 2016
3 Posts
I'm considering working as a travel nurse and am wondering if anyone here has used a travel trailer for housing rather than using short term apartments or hotels with weekly rates, which seems to be the regular thing. Researching the costs of a travel trailer and campsites it seems affordable, and the internet in all its wisdom says there are ways to make a travel trailer suitable for winter and summer living, so it seems like it could work.... but has anyone actually done this? Or even thoughts on the idea from those who have experience with travel nursing, using a travel trailer for any length of time, or better yet both, would be much appreciated.
I want to do it this way both because of the feeling of adventure involved, and the fact that I have dogs who I think would do better with this based than they would do with apartment or hotel living due to their temperaments.
1 Article; 5,784 Posts
Lots and lots of people have done this, and you can search AllNurses for threads on the topic, or Google RV forums for even more information. In general, you do it for the lifestyle (like travel in the first place), you don't do it to save money (you probably won't). Additional factors that may play in this decision include pets - for which regular housing can be difficult to find, more expensive, and less nice.
8-ball, BSN
286 Posts
Yes many people do it this way. I am buying mine in January. Join the FB group Adventures in RV travel nursing. Tons of resources and info there. You can save money but it requires planning ahead. so waiting on those last minute crisis rates is harder to do especially during the summer months when the RV parks fill up.
Thank you both so much! I will look into the Facebook group you mentioned. I'm glad to know others have done this, it makes me feel much more secure that it's not a totally awful idea. I would not start until spring so I have plenty of time to start planning ahead. How safe is the environment in the RV parks/campgrounds where those of you who have tried this have stayed? I've had concerns raised by friends/family over me doing this as a single female. While I tend to get concerns over basically everything more dangerous than breathing because I'm doing it while alone and female so my instinct is to just shrug it off, I also don't want to ignore a concern that is legitimate in some way.
49 Posts
Your instincts are correct. Parks are no more dangerous than other neighborhoods in our sometimes scary cities. In fact sometimes people are more colorful in an rv park. My wife and I have travel nursed in a large camper for a long time. It's a big investment but well worth it, more consistent, and cheaper sometimes by far overall. But you need a good strong truck and knowledge of towing and maintenance. You need to be physically strong enough to hook up as well. If you are the size of an Olympic gymnast then start taking your steroids now! There are several reliable ways to get information on the parks.
1,221 Posts
Most rv parks are fine, especially the ones that arent in midtown.
Savings depends on every individual case. Trailer payment, truck payment, park costs..... it all adds up. You dont ever habe to pack up and move again though. Just hook up and drive off.
No need to be big and strong to hookup and tow a travel trailer or 5th wheel. I back my truck up to the hitch, push a button that lowers the trailer onto the hitch and lock it on. Same thing with setup, i have a remote control that i push a button on and my stabilizers drop, slides come out....
Thank you for your thoughts on all of this, Argo and pinktermite.I'm not large but am strong for my size... would size be an issue due to strength or due to needing to use body weight as leverage at some point during the process of setting up a travel trailer?